- A canvass of the Law School gives thirty for Tilden, nineteen for Hayes.
- New London, instead of Springfield, is spoken of as the place for the next regatta.
- Theological students are to be allowed to vote in New Haven at the coming election.
- The base-ball championship has been won by '78. The last game between '77 and '78 was won by the latter by a score of 9 to 3.
- In the Thanksgiving Jubilee the Seniors will have an operetta, the Juniors a play; and minstrels will form an attractive part of the programme.
Princeton.- Want of interest made the fall meeting of the Athletic Association unsuccessful.
- Princeton is soon to have professorships of Architecture, Drawing, and Music.
- Osgood & Co. are to publish the Princeton Book. The book is to be illustrated by heliotypes, and will be issued during the coming winter.
- Mr. E. D. Lindsey, a graduate of Harvard, and of the Paris School of Arts, has been appointed to fill the new chair of Architecture and Applied Arts.
Dartmouth.- It has been voted to row hereafter only in fours.
- It is proposed to change the college color, which is at present green.
- A class of seventeen graduated from the Medical College on Wednesday last.
- An award for models, drawings, etc., has been received from the Centennial Commission.
Cornell.- A dramatic club, to be composed of undergraduates, is called for.
- In the fall regatta '79 beat a picked six-oared crew from '77 and '78. Time, 12.48.
- The New York alumni have agreed to take charge of finances of the crew to be sent to England.
Miscellaneous.- By the will of Mrs. Lydia Pierce, of Brunswick, Bowdoin receives $1,000 to found a scholarship.
- McGill has a new reading-room.
- Madison University has admitted women.
- Williams will not be represented in the intercollegiate contests.
- Trinity has organized a foot-ball association; but base-ball is on the wane.
- Amherst has added Greek Prose Composition and French Grammar to her admission requirements.
- The Intercollegiate Association offer in prizes $1,100 more than there is in the treasury. The colleges composing the association are called upon to make up the deficiency.
- A convention of New England Colleges is called at Worcester for the 22d of November, for the purpose of forming a Rowing Association of New England Colleges. The presidents of the Dartmouth, Brown, Bowdoin, and Trinity navies sign the call. Wesleyan also favors the project.
- Brown is in a state of excitement. On Monday and Tuesday there were cane rushes between the Sophomores and Freshmen. President Robinson broke up the second rush and expelled six Sophomores, but refused to suspend the class, as he was requested to do. He also gave warning that any Freshman appearing with a cane or any imitation thereof would be expelled. Expulsion was threatened the Sophomores who should trouble the Freshmen.
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