- A canvass of the Law School gives thirty for Tilden, nineteen for Hayes.
- New London, instead of Springfield, is spoken of as the place for the next regatta.
- Theological students are to be allowed to vote in New Haven at the coming election.
- The base-ball championship has been won by '78. The last game between '77 and '78 was won by the latter by a score of 9 to 3.
- In the Thanksgiving Jubilee the Seniors will have an operetta, the Juniors a play; and minstrels will form an attractive part of the programme.
Princeton.- Want of interest made the fall meeting of the Athletic Association unsuccessful.
- Princeton is soon to have professorships of Architecture, Drawing, and Music.
- Osgood & Co. are to publish the Princeton Book. The book is to be illustrated by heliotypes, and will be issued during the coming winter.
- Mr. E. D. Lindsey, a graduate of Harvard, and of the Paris School of Arts, has been appointed to fill the new chair of Architecture and Applied Arts.
Dartmouth.- It has been voted to row hereafter only in fours.
- It is proposed to change the college color, which is at present green.
- A class of seventeen graduated from the Medical College on Wednesday last.
- An award for models, drawings, etc., has been received from the Centennial Commission.
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