THE Directors of the Dining Hall Association, at their meeting on Monday night, unanimously passed a resolution requesting the Corporation to remove Mr. Farmer. It is impossible to predict with certainty whether the matter will rest here or not, but it is likely, if the Corporation are at all aware of the feeling among the members of the Association, that the request will be complied with; so a change involving the possibility of obtaining a more capable man, may now with some reason be hoped for. The Directors, we understand, although fully convinced that a change was necessary, hesitated somewhat before taking so decided a step. Their delay caused very general dissatisfaction and, considering the number of men who have left the Commons during the last week, it was certainly unfortunate. But now that the Directors have yielded to the pressure which was brought to bear on them, they ought to be supported by the members of the Association. They have done everything in their power towards removing Mr. Farmer. If he is removed, therefore, the future success or non-success of the Association will be considered as depending upon them; and however competent the new steward may be, the Association cannot possibly succeed if there is any further decrease in the number of men at the Hall. It is the duty, accordingly, of all those who urged the Directors to this action to remain in the Association until it is again established on a firm basis.
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