

No Headline

THE catalogue for 1876-77 made its appearance on Wednesday evening with its usual amount of valuable information. It is printed more closely than former catalogues, and some of the changes in form are hardly improvements. Compared with former years the present showing is a good one. The undergraduate department has been made up, during the last four years, as follows:-

Academic Year. 1873 - 74. 1874 - 75. 1875 - 76. 1876 - 77.

Seniors, 164 152 148 192

Juniors, 155 159 194 175


Sophomores, 170 209 182 222

Freshmen, 217 196 252 232

--- --- --- ---

706 716 776 821

Total number of students in the University during the same years has been 1,167 - 1,196 - 1,278 - 1,370.

The Law School contains this year 187 students, an increase of 26 over the number last year, and an increase of nearly 50 over the two previous years. The Medical School has this year 226 students against 192 last year. The various other departments remain about the same as before. The candidates for higher degrees have increased by ten. Several new features are brought to light in the catalogue, of which the principal is the admission of unmatriculated students. Upon payment of a moderate fee, persons twenty-one years of age can pursue such studies as they are qualified for without passing the usual entrance examination. A "Certificate of Proficiency" is given to such of them as obtain seventy-five per cent of the maximum mark in their courses. Some new prizes are offered to Freshmen and Sophomores for reading; and the requirements for entrance are increased a little, as usual. We are sorry to see that the number of men who have taken the various electives this year is not put down.
