

SOME helpless sort of a person in Pittsburgh advertises for "one or two steady girls to help on pantaloons."- Ex.

The Courant for September 30 has a carefully written article upon college expenses. The writer asks, "Are students as a class extravagant? Is this extravagance increasing?" To answer these questions the following table has been prepared, showing the necessary expenses, covering board, tuition, room, fuel, and books, for every third year from '60 to the present time, as given in the Yale and Harvard catalogues.


Treasurer's Bill. Board. Total.


'60, $79 40 weeks, $110-160 $234-324

'63, 80 40 weeks, 110-160 235-325

'66, 100 40 weeks, 160-280 310-470

'69, 102 40 weeks, 160-280 317-478

'72, 125-183 40 weeks, 160-280 340-568

'75, 160-220 37 weeks, 150-300 375-650


Treasurer's Bill. Board. Total.

'60, $95 40 weeks, $140 $249

'63, 99 40 weeks, 160 273

'66, 132 40 weeks, 130-280 279-430

'69, 215 av. 38 weeks, 152-304 349-572

'72, 215 av. 38 weeks, 152-304 353-581

'75, 180-250 38 weeks, 152-304 352-579

Although the table shows that necessary expenses have been doubled in the last fifteen years, while the term has been shortened, the writer assures us that this is not due to extravagance. It is shown that the average total expense of each member of the class of '76 per year was $1.075, while the average man in '60 spent about $560 a year. Then follows a statement that we fail to understand:

"Compared with the catalogue estimates of necessary expenses, it certainly costs no more to go through college now than it did sixteen years ago."

Possibly it costs no more in college now than it did in '60, but the figures certainly show that more is spent now than was spent then. But this point may be cleared up, for more articles on the same subject are to follow. The subject is one of interest, and these investigations have a decided value.

WE are anxious about the reputation of our poets. The Yale Courant quotes a few lines from the Oberlin Review, and then says: "Yet even this gem will have to yield the palm to 'A Comparison,' by A. D. F., in the Amherst Student." If A. D. F. can write a few more such morceaux the Harvard poets will have to look after their laurels. This morceau we give in full:-

A Comparison."I love to watch from Holyoke's noble height.

'Neath softly glowing skies, as daylight wanes,

The gentle beauty of the Hampshire plains

Bathed in a melting flood of sunset light, -

They breathe such sweet content. And yet the sight

Wakes deeper pleasure far, when Heaven ordains

Her fiery storm-clouds, piled like dome-capped fanes,

Of grandeur to display the greater might;

While hill and spire about whose summits thrown

The lingering sunbeams cling, seem brighter yet,

Because the shadows and the clouds are near.

"I love the sweet and soulful Mendelssohn:

Yet most Beethoven, in whose strains are met

Both joy, and sorrow grand, I love to hear."

A. D. F.THE Princetonian has reached the third number of its first volume, and as college papers go it may be called good. The editorial department might be decidedly improved. The editorials abound in what is called on daily papers "swashy writing." Many words are used to say what might much better be said in a few; and the words themselves are not all free from objection. Unless we are much mistaken, they will not find in either Webster or Worcester such a verb as "to inevitate" nor is the word sanctioned by any usage good or bad. But the Princetonian tells us that the accident to Columbia's rudder "inevitated an exhausting and irritating pull." If the new paper will tell us more of what is going on at the New Jersey college, we shall be obliged.
