

No Headline

THE election in the Senior class for Class-Day and class officers is the one time in our course when we see here the power of cliques and the arts of politicians brought to bear to effect a desired end. And these means are used then not because the offices are of great importance in themselves, or because persons capable of filling them are found with difficulty. The annual squabble arises from the fact that different "interests" insist on being "represented" without regard to any principle of reason or of justice. If the members of the present Senior Class could get over the idea, when they meet, that such and such a man is to be opposed because he happens to be a member of the Tweedledum Society and that so-and-so should be supported because he belongs to the Tweedledee Fraternity, they would show themselves worthy of respect as men and would strike a blow at a relic of boyishness. If the offices are filled without reference to the artificial lines which cut up the class, and adaptability is the only criterion by which candidates are judged, we venture to predict that in every instance the result will be satisfactory.
