

WE compliment the Acta Columbiana on its critique of Tennyson's "Queen Mary." It is with regret that we notice that the writer thereof is evidently not in the editorial department; for we read, among other book reviews, that "a book of poems which have appeared in the Harvard Advocate is soon to make its appearance. From what we have seen of Harvard poetry we judge that it will be a work of considerable merit, and hope that the edition of the Advocate intend to have some of their exchanges with copies."

"MONSIEUR ADAM he wake up, he see une belle demoiselle aslep in ze garden. Voila de la chance! 'Bon jour, Madame Iv.' Madame Iv she wake, she hold her fan before her face. Monsieur put up his eye-glass to admire ze tableau. Zey make one promenade. Madame Iv she feel hungry; she see appel on ze arbre. Serpent se promenade sur l'arbre make one walk on ze tree. 'Mons. le Serpent,' says Iv, 'weel you not have ze bonte to peck me some appel? J'ai faim.' 'Certainement, Madame,' says ze serpent, 'charme de vous voir.' 'Hola, mon ami! ar-r-etez-vous,' says Adam; 'stop, stop! Que songez-vous faire? What madness is zeis? You must not peek ze appel.' Ze snake he take one pinch of snuff, he say, 'Ah! Mons. Adam, do you not know zere is nossing prohebeet for ze ladies? Madame Iv, permit me to offer you some of this fruit defendu.' Iv she make one courtesy; ze snake he fill her whole parasol with appel; he say, 'Eritis sicut Deus. Mons. Adam he will eat ze appel, he will become like un Dieu, - know ze good and ze evil. But you, Madame Iv, cannot become more of a goddess than you are now!' And zis finish Madame Iv." - Wells-Coll. Chronicle.

THE italics in the following extract from the Courant are ours:-

"By all means let the plan of Mr. B. G. Northrop for the representation of Yale at the Centennial by the works of her graduates and professors, be acted on. Let Yale show to the representatives of European educational interests the published results of her one hundred and seventy-six years of instruction. To be sure, her books will hardly rival, in the department of belles-lettres, the poetry and prose of Harvard's Lowell, Emerson, and Holmes; but in solid, substantial intellectual food of every grade she can make a truly grand display. And why not grade the Yale collection according to the intellectual effort necessary to understand the writings of her great men? Let it begin with the spelling-book of Webster, over which the children of a past generation forgot their toys in their enthusiastic efforts to master the rudiments of English orthography; let it ascend through the grade of text-books to the dictionaries. Let the series extend in this regular grade through the numerous works in all departments of knowledge, in Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Language, and Metaphysics, culminating in Edwards on the Will and Porter on the Human Intellect, before both of which works, we venture to assert, the wits of nine tenths of the Centennial visitors will gracefully, but precipitately retire."

A writer who calls the Biglow Papers, the Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table, and Emerson's philosophical essays all belles-lettres; who places Noah Porter, - who could not even express ideas lucidly when appropriated; whose unhappy readers speak of him as of Tupper as a poet or Baird as a philosopher, - a writer who places Porter, as intellectual, opposed antithetically to Emerson and Fiske, as trivial; and who considers Porter's work the culmination of the intellect of Yale, - such a man, we say, has far too low an estimate of Yale's worth for us to contest it. But as the full array of Yale's centennial display bursts once more upon our stunned imagination, we can but say, with poor old Tate Wilkinson, after his famous walk to the window, "Eh-h-h, - !!!"


EVEN as the piously benevolent used to take Sunday schools to the panorama of Palestine, so has the Faculty of Yale directed the Senior Class to attend a matinee at Booth's Theatre. The Courant rightly thinks that this is very appropriate; and it is indeed provoking to have their motives misconstrued, as has been done by the New York World, which wickedly insinuates that it was done as an advertisement, to attract to Yale those youths who are inclined to fun. We sympathize with the Courant, and if short of invective after its consignments to the Advocate and World, we will take ours gladly in five-months' bills.

MESSRS. MOODY and Sankey are to hold services with the students of Princeton College on the 27th of January, the day appointed for prayer for schools and colleges. - N. Y. Post.

In view of the next regatta, we would respectfully submit to the committee that Princeton is taking unfair measures for victory. Miracles, by the regatta rules, are strictly barred.

WE clip the following from the Tyro, and, in return, warn the fair editors to beware. Such poems are terribly disillusive, particularly when coming from the mouths of the fair muses themselves; even though it be true that, with women, wie an jeder schlechten Waare, die Aussenseite mit falschem. Schimmer uberzogen ist: immer verbirgt sich was leidet hingegen was Jeder an Prunk und Glanz erschwingen kann tragt sie zur Schau, - for we hate to be impolite in the vernacular:-

"Only a lock of golden hair,"

The lover wrote. "Perchance to-night

It formeth, upon her pillow fair,

A halo bright."

"Only a lock of golden hair,"

The maiden, smiling, sweetly said,

And she laid it over the back of a chair

And went to bed.

IN the Galaxy for February we find a good number. Noticeable in the contents is an essay on the minor French novelists by Henry James, and an article on that morbidly interesting subject, suicide. Serials by William Black and Miss Howells are continued; and among the wadding we notice a timely article opposing any reduction of the army in this country.
