WE hear that initiatory steps have been taken in Boston for the formation of an Alpine Club, whose central field of labor will be the White Mountains. Among the benefits to be derived from organized effort, it was suggested that much might be done in determining the altitudes and positions of various mountains, ascertaining facts relating to the animals and fauna of the high regions, in tracing glacial action, in arriving at some definite results in regard to the nomenclature of mountains where the same eminences were known by different names or one or more mountains by the same name, in making unfrequented peaks more accessible, in preserving sketches and profiles of the mountains as seen from different points, in collecting maps and other data, and eventually in publishing important results which might be reached. We earnestly hope that this plan will be successful, and that our college exquisites may thereby be induced to pass their vacations in some more manly way than in dangling about the billiard-rooms and ball-rooms of summer caravansaries. It is only to be regretted that the element of actual danger will be wanting, and therewith half the charm of surmounting hitherto untrodden summits. The London Alpine Club imposes as a condition on all candidates that they shall have ascended to the height of twelve thousand feet above the sea; but it would seem difficult for the Boston club to form any valid test of the ability of candidates, as it is a sad fact that there is scarce a high hill in New England which cannot be safely ascended on a cloudy day and without guides.
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The Canoe Club Regatta.