

THE Pi Eta Alligator has arrived.

ABOUT this time look out for coal-bills.

CONFECTIONERY now in great demand, - Bohn-Bohns.

THE Freshman nine will play their first game with the Yale Freshmen to-morrow afternoon on Jarvis. As the Freshman annuals begin the following Monday, the second game in the series will probably not be played till after Class Day.

THE annual supper of the Institute of 1770 will take place at Parker's, on June 19, at 7 P. M. Tickets, four dollars each, can be obtained by members of the Society from the committee, Messrs. Humason, Heminway, and Martin, up to 12 o'clock on the 18th.


THE Freshman Nine play the Brown Freshmen at Providence to-day.

YALE has challenged our University Nine to play a series of games beginning July 2. Kent finds it impossible for the Nine to play so late in the season, and unless Yale can manage to play before Commencement, there is little hope of the two Nines coming together this year.

WE are sorry to say that the strain on Hooper's arm in the last Princeton game was so great that he will probably not be able to pitch again this year. In case the arrangements can be made for playing Yale before July 1, a substitute will take his place in the games.

A PHILANTHROPIST in doubt where to invest his money for the greatest good of the public would have had his doubts dispelled if he had passed the Bursar's Office at any time on Tuesday night. The sight of nearly a dozen men sitting up all night to secure some of the poorest rooms in college because they could get none in any other way, would have moved a heart of stone, to say nothing of the heart of a philanthropist. Unfortunately no philanthropist passed by, and the prospect of new dormitories is as far off as ever.

THE Spring races at Yale took place on Wednesday afternoon. The single-scull race was won by Kennedy of the University crew in 15 minutes 21 1/4 seconds. Kennedy will pull in the single-scull race at Saratoga. The six-oared race was won by a crew from the Law School in 13.09, the Freshmen coming in second in 13.16, and the Junior class crew, with Cook and two other members of the University crew, 6 seconds later. The seat of the bow oar in the last crew came off its runners at the start, delaying the crew. Distance in both races, two miles, with a turn. A race for pair-oars followed, in which Cook and Brownell beat Fowler and Kellogg (all of the University crew) by 9 1/2 seconds. Distance one mile, with a turn. Time of winning boat, 7.05 1/2.

A REMARKABLE amateur game of base-ball was played at New Haven, Saturday, May 29, between the Princeton and Yale Nines. We give the score:-


R. IB. PO. A. E.

Moffat, 2d b. . 0 1 1 1 2

Laughlin, s. s. . 1 0 2 4 1

Walker, c. f. . 0 2 0 0 0

Campbell, 1st b. . 0 0 11 0 0

Woods, 3d b. . 0 0 3 3 1

Karge, r. f. . 0 1 0 0 0

Mann, p. . 1 2 1 2 1

Denny, c. . 1 2 5 2 2

Duffield, l. f. . 0 0 4 0 0

.. .. .. .. ..

Totals . 3 8 27 12 7


R. IB. PO. A. E.

Hotchkiss, c. f. . 0 0 1 0 0

Morgan, r. f. . 0 0 0 0 0

Knight, 2d b. . 0 0 3 2 0

Avery, p. . 0 0 0 4 2

Biglow, 3d b. . 0 0 1 0 1

Jones, 1st b. . 0 0 11 0 0

Maxwell, c. . 0 0 8 2 2

Smith, l. f. . 0 0 2 0 0

Wheaton, s. s. . 0 0 1 4 1

.. .. .. .. ..

Totals . 0 0 27 12 6

Innings. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th

Princeton. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 - 3

Yale .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0

First base by errors - Princeton, 2; Yale, 2. Runs earned, none. Umpire, Mr. Dunning. Time, 1 h. 40 m.

THE postman reports for May:- Delivery: Letters (mail), 6,428; (drop), 7,559. Postal Cards, 3,693. Collected: Letters AND Postal Cards, 557. It would seem that the undergraduates did but little writing during the few weeks previous to the annuals.

HARVARD Freshmen vs. Yale Freshmen, Jarvis Field, Saturday.

TRANSLATION from Juvenal: Canna, reed; Cannoe, Readville.

TWO cases of books have been received during the past week at the Library.

IT has been suggested that the different Boat-Clubs wear their hats on Class Day.

APROPOS of the above: Scene, Parker's; crowd of Holyoke men with their colors; solitary Weld man with alarmingly loyal hat. Somebody says: "They will do it!"

THE Chess Club have voted to hold no more meetings this year, and postpone the Yale game until next term.

THE annual cleaning of the Library is over; owing to defective heating arrangements, the books were more dusty than ever.

ALL books must be returned to the College Library on or before the 23d inst., or a fine of twenty-five cents a day will be charged until their return.

A FRESHMAN who was summoned for overrunning his prayer allowance ingenuously asked if he couldn't have a chance to make them up!

WE were disappointed at not seeing the Harvard Rifle Corps turn out on Saturday last, in memory of their comrades who have deaded during the year.

A BOSTON paper in its Harvard items says that recitations in Junior Philosophy have ceased, "owing to severe illness on the part of the professor." The italics are ours.

AT the annual examination in one of the classical courses, the professor is reported to have said at a quarter past nine: "I have made out your marks, gentlemen; you may go out now."

IT is earnestly hoped that all members of the Cercle Francais who have neglected to pay their dues will pay at once, as several large bills remain unpaid by the Society, owing to the failure of members to pay dues.

ON Monday afternoon the races of the Union Boat Club, which were postponed from the preceding Wednesday, were rowed over the usual course. For the single-scull race there were two entries, Wiley, '77, and Mudge, of the Medical School. At the last moment Mr. Mudge found that his stretcher was too short for him, and Mr. Wiley rowed leisurely over the course alone, making the two miles in 15 minutes 58 seconds. Shortly before six the race for four-oared barges with coxswains was called. There were three entries for this race: a four belonging to the Union Boat Club, consisting of Williams, stroke; Morse, 2; Stevens, 3; Eaton, bow, Minot, coxswain:- a four from the Scientific School, with Otis, stroke; James, 2; Thayer, 3; Yznaga, bow; Herrick, coxswain; - and a third crew consisting of Loring, '78, stroke; Bacon, '75, 2; Taylor, '77, 3; Morgan, '78, bow; Jennison, coxswain. Loring's crew won the race easily in 14 minutes 15 seconds, coming in nearly three lengths ahead of the Union Crew, while the Scientific School men were about four lengths behind the Union. The prizes offered were very handsome silver tankards, and the Union Boat Club showed great generosity in opening the race to crews outside of the club.

SCENE, after last Princeton Base-Ball match on Jarvis Field.

Young Lady. Well! wasn't it real nice that Harvard beat?

Junior. O yes - no! The fact is, I lost money on it!

Young Lady. Ah, so you've been disloyal, too. You are the fifth student I have seen who bet against his Nine this afternoon and lost, and I hope they all did.

FOR new advertisements see page vi.
