Junior Year.
LOGIC. Jevon's Elementary Lessons, omitting Chapters 4, 6, 7, 11, 13, 23, 32, 33.
PHILOSOPHY. Porter's Elements of Intellectual Philosophy, omitting all the fine print and the following sections: 1 - 23, 33 - 49, 66 - 75, 121 - 133, 175 - 189, 197 - 243, 298 - 345; or, Hamilton's Metaphysics (Bowen's edition), omitting the following pages: 26 - 70, 248 - 267, 279 - 297, 389 - 408, 442 - 455, 489 - 498.
RHETORIC, Whately's Rhetoric to the end of Part 2, including Preface, Introduction, and Appendices; Lessing's Laocoon (in the original or in Miss Frothingham's translation), Preface and Chapters 13 - 26 inclusive.
Sophomore Year.
HISTORY. Freeman's Outlines of History, Chapters 5 - 14 inclusive.
ASTRONOMY. Searle's Astronomy, Chapters I. - VII inclusive, XII. and XIV., omitting Sections 128 - 136, 163 - 172, 178 - 182, 194 - 202, 208 - 222, 340 - 346, 374 - 388.
PHYSICS. Goodeve's Mechanics (published by Longmans, London), Introduction and first ten chapters, omitting Sections 54 - 69, 81 - 95, 135 - 140, 151 - 155.
RHETORIC. Hill's General Rules for Punctuation, and for the Use of Capital Letters; Campbell's Philosophy of Rhetoric, Book 2 to Section 3 of Chapter 6; Whately's Rhetoric, Part 3; Herbert Spencer's Essay on the Philosophy of Style; Abbott's How to Write English Clearly, first twenty-five Exercises.
POLITICAL ECONOMY. Fawcett's Political Economy for Beginners.
CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Flander's Exposition of the Constitution of the United States.
The examinations will take place on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, September 30, October 1, 2. The hours and places will be announced upon the bulletin board before September 30.
[Notice of intention to anticipate a study (and in Junior Philosophy notice of the Course chosen) must be given to the Dean, in writing, on or before 15 September.]
STUDENTS are warned in these harvest days of the Pocos against trusting a certain cock-eyed Poco of fluent speech who has been generally and not honorably known in College as Livingston.
PROFESSOR WASHBURN of the Law School gave a reception to the Williams and Harvard Crews on Tuesday evening. The Alumni of Williams will give their crew a dinner at Parker's to-night.
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