

No Headline

WE have received a communication commending the general appearance of the Yard, but suggesting some improvements. The Yard perhaps never looked better than it does at present, but the faded green blinds which hang, most of them on one hinge, before the windows of Holworthy, Hollis, and Stoughton, do not add to the excellence of its appearance. They should either be painted and hung firmly on their hinges, or dispensed with entirely. One of the best features of the Yard at this season of the year is the view under the trees between Holworthy and Grays. The sunlight on the grass in the morning and the slanting shadows of buildings and trees in the afternoon make a remarkably fine view, and this view would be finer still if the cedar-tree in front of University should be taken away during the summer, leaving a clear vista from one end to the other. It is impossible to speak of the appearance of the Yard without urging again that the barren walls of such buildings as Appleton Chapel and Gore Hall may be covered with ivy or woodbine. We have never heard any one question the fact that the appearance of the buildings would be improved, and it seems remarkable that nothing has ever been done about it. We remember distinctly the delightful sensation of surprise which we experienced last fall on seeing the walks covered with tiles. When we revisit these scenes after another vacation may we gaze with equal delight upon ivies and woodbines creeping upwards over the rugged walls of our buildings.
