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THE first year of our much-lauded Boat-Club system has come to an end. Has it been a success ? We fear that many of those who have not been on the crews would answer, "No." On reading articles which appeared in the College papers when the system was first proposed, we find the benefits which were to follow its adoption described in the most glowing colors. It was to put every species and variety of nautical craft at the service of every student for the sum of fifteen dollars, and a hope was held out that this annual payment might subsequently be diminished. Thus the average undergraduate physique was wonderfully to be developed. Healthy means of daily recreation were to be gained for every student. Dozens of athletes were thus to be kept in permanent training, ready at any moment to be put on the 'Varsity. "There would be an harmonious development of body and brains, the method pursued in the old Grecian gymnasia." And, finally, the emulation of the various boat-clubs was to cause most interesting and frequent races.

Doubtless many of these results have been attained. But the great fault of the system at present is, that it resembles too closely an association for the support of four six-oar and four four-oar crews. And, however pleasant it may be to these crews to be provided with boats by the general multitude, and however beneficial it may be to the boating interests of the College, we fear that the membership of the various clubs will largely decrease next year unless better accommodation is given to the less proficient oarsmen.

It seems to us that the managers of the clubs could easily afford to give an additional number of singles and doubles to the clubs next year. At present, the average is about two seats for every seven men, or for $ 105, -about $52 yearly for each seat. As the first cost of the boats can scarcely have exceeded this, -and it is reported that the receipts have exceeded the expenses this year, -all the receipts next year, after deducting care of boats, repairs, interest on mortgage, etc., will be clear profit.

It has been urged that the crews should be provided with shells, in order to accustom themselves to rowing in a racing-boat; but before this want is satisfied, some attention should be given to the needs of those who have paid as much as any one for the support of the clubs, but are not favored by nature with biceps and thighs of power enough to win them a place on the crews.

Another change that should be made is the addition to the Holworthy Club of some of the "outside" members of Holyoke. This could easily be done by curtailing the Holyoke territory; and although Holworthy may have shown her ability to distinguish herself without the force of numbers, yet it can never be fair for the clubs to be so unequal in size as they are at present.

