THE remarks made at the meeting held last evening to discuss the question of changing Harvard's color showed very clearly that a large majority both of graduates and undergraduates were in favor of the Crimson. The vote confirmed this impression, and accordingly Crimson it is.
The evidence offered showed clearly that our original color was certainly not Magenta; and the appearance and words of the man who caused all the trouble by buying, ten years ago, for the University crew the nearest shade he could get to crimson completely silenced the sceptics. This change, or rather restoration, of the color of the University suggests the question whether the paper which bears the name of the discarded hue will cling to, or renounce, that name. Before our next issue that question will probably have been decided, and the result of the decision will be announced. But, under whatever color of the rainbow Harvard takes her stand, the Magenta, whatever may be its name, will devote itself to the good of the College, and hurrah for the color it wears.
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