

Rowing and Athletic Annual for 1875. Edited by JAMES WATSON, New York. Published by the Editor.

THE second volume of this Annual shows that during the year 1874 the interest in Athletics in this country has noticeably increased. The Editor in his Preface says: "The establishment of an Intercollegiate Athletic meeting has given great impetus to Athletics at various seats of learning, and each college has organized, or is about to organize, an Athletic Club, which step will, we are convinced, do more to advance and popularize Athletics than any other method."

The Editor of the Annual has kept pace with the increasing interest, and this second volume is an improvement on the first. In the portion of the work devoted to rowing interests there is, besides a complete record of the winners of important races in America and of the English Universities and championship races, the Laws of Boat-Racing, with full notes and explanations; the National Association Regatta Rules, Constitution, and By-laws. The part devoted to Athletics contains a record of meetings in 1874 and a synopsis of the season, Laws of Athletics, Hints on Athletics, and, we are glad to say, a short "list of best performances in America," which "will serve as a beginning, to which additions may be made as the records are obtained." We hope that it will not be long before some of the performances of our Athletic Association are recorded in this list.

As a book of instruction the Annual will be found very useful, and as a book of reference it will be almost indispensable.

It can be found at the University Bookstore, and the price is fifty cents.

