

ON Saturday, May 8, the Harvard Eleven played their first match of the season at East Cambridge with the Mayflowers of Boston. The day was rainy and the ground was in a most wretched condition, and as a result the general play of both sides was poor. Sullivan and King, the two most important men of our Eleven, were absent, as early in the day there seemed no prospect of a game.

The Harvard Eleven went first to the bat, and scored but 30 against the excellent bowling of O'Hair and Pettit. Hubbard led the score with 17, made by first-rate batting. When our Eleven took the field the "crease" was already badly cut up by the first innings' play, and the fine bowling of Jones and Gummere lost much of its value in consequence. One of the substitutes muffed Sullivan badly before he had made a single run, or the Mayflowers would have scored less than they did. Two muffs, also, were made by a veteran, usually the surest catch on the Eleven. Tapper and Harris, however, made good catches, and Lee as wicket keep and Bruce as long stop were very efficient. In their second innings, although the "crease" had been rolled, much to the benefit of their adversary's bowling, our Eleven scored 36. They thus just avoided a defeat by an inning, and were beaten instead by ten crickets. In this inning Jones and Lee batted well for their scores. Save their bowling, which was accurate and effective, the play of the Mayflowers was poor, and even the portion of our Eleven present should have beaten them. As it was, the Harvard's play in general was miserably weak at the bat, and but fair in the field. Below is the score.


1st Inning. 2d Inning.

Dwight b. O'Hair, . . 0 Jones run out . . 13


Hubbard c. O'Hair, b. Pettit, . 17 Gummere b. Pettit, . 0

Jones b. O'Hair, . . . 4 Dwight b. O'Hair, . 2

Gummere b. Pettit, . . 3 Hubbard run out, . 0

Lee b. O'Hair, . . . 5 Lee b. O'Hair, . . 16

Garrett b. O'Hair, . . 1 Dana b Pettit, . . 0

Dana b. Pettit. . . 0 Garrett b. O'Hair . . 1

Bruce b. O'Hair, . . . 0 Bruce, not out, . . 0

Green b. O'Hair, . . 0 Harris b Pittet, . . 3

Harris c. and b. O'Hair, . . 0 Green b Pettit, . . 0

Tupper not out, . . 0 Tupper, run out, . . 1

---- ----

Total, . . . .30 Total, . . 36


1st Inning. 2d Inning.

Evans c. Dwight, b. Gummere, . 4 Hall b. Dwight, . . 4

Sullivan c. and b. Gummere, . 22 Orinston c. Harris, b. Dwight, 4

Pettit c. and b. Gummere, . 36

Cox c. Hubbard, b. Dwight, . 0

O'Hair c. Tupper, b. Gummere,. . 1

Johnson b. Jones, . 2

B. Evans b. Jones, . 0

Loudon b. Gummere, . 3

Smith b. Gummere, . 1 Wides, . 6


Total, . . . . 65

Harvard Total . . . . . . . 66

Mayflowers won by ten wickets L. G.
