

ON last Friday evening, the Glee Club gave a concert in Steinway Hall, New York, in aid of the Homoeopathic Hospital of that city. The tickets were sold privately, and the hall was well filled. The audience was enthusiastic and surprised; the latter, because they had acquired a wrong idea of College Glee-Club singing. In the programme, given below, will be recognized many songs which have long been favorites in Cambridge; which were, with one or two exceptions, sung as well as we are accustomed to hear them here. The Club were evidently nervous during the first part of the evening, and consequently did not sing "Comrades in Arms," which opened the concert, as effectively as usual. "The Three Glasses" failed to make a sensation, as was expected, owing to the fact that it was sung loud all through. The "Ave Maria" was finely given, and was encored, as were the majority of the pieces. The "Polka" made the most decided "hit" of the evening, and was applauded as rapturously after, as before the encore. A Waltz, by Dudley Buck, which had never before been given in public by the Club, pleased the audience, though it was sung very unevenly and is a rather ordinary composition. The tenor solo was finely sung and well received. Mozart's "Violet" was given for the encore. The College songs were sung with spirit, and, as is usual in "foreign parts," were very much enjoyed by the audience.

The Programme.


Comrades in Arms . . . . . . . ADAM.

Spring's Return . . . . . . . . V. WEBER.


Tenor Solo, "Sally in our Alley" . . . . . . CAREY.

a. "Sleep, Thou Wild Rose," . . . . . . ABT.

b. Sailors' Song . . . . . . . . HATTON.

Concert Waltz . . . . . . . . D. BOCK.


Ave Maria . . . . . . . . . ABT.

The Three Glasses . . . . . . . FISCHER.

Love's Call . . . . . . . . BECKER.

Polka . . . . . . . . . SCHAFER

Champagne Song . . . . . . . . SCHROTER.

College Songs.

After the concert the Club were very hospitably entertained, and will retain many pleasant recollections of their trip to New York.
