

KEYS to the club boat-house can be obtained from the Treasurers of the clubs.

THE "Forester Shooting Club" has become the "Harvard Shooting Club."

OUR liberty is at stake! Pitching pennies in the yard has been stopped by the proctors.

THE Yale Glee Club have started on a tour. They will sing first at Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

THE challenge cup of the Chess Club has been won from its former holder by T. W. Barnes, '76.


SIXTEEN undergraduates have joined Co. K, 5th Regiment M. V. M., Captain, H. N. Wheeler.

FOR SALE - Shell single-scull boat, built by Blakey. Sliding seat. Little used. Apply at II Holyoke.

THE Captain of the Foot-Ball Club has received an answer from Columbia. They will be unable to play us this spring, owing to the impossibility of getting up a twenty during the boating season. They express a wish, however, to play us in the fall.

THE river is free from ice, and the floats at the boat-house will be in place the beginning of next week.

THE spectacle for the last week daily presented in front of Holworthy is decidedly demoralizing. "Alea quando hos animos?"

A SUBSCRIPTION has lately been set on foot and & 12,950 has been raised to finish Memorial Hall and to lessen the debt of the Dining Hall Association.

DURING the coming spring the University Nine expects to play games with Princeton and Yale, on Jarvis. Yale would prefer to play after the Annuals.

AT the meeting of the French Club, next Monday, Moliere's "Misanthrope" will be read. Members are requested to bring their own books. Il y aura du ponsch!

THE Great American Traveller has requested us to state that he is engaged on another great work, "The Prattville Criterion," - "five hundred feet of manuscript."

THE Weld-Thayer crew will lose Wetmore, Thayer, and Loring; the Matthews, Bacon, Harding, and Taylor; while Holworthy will keep its old crew with the omission of Dana.

A MEETING of the Sophomore Class was held to-day, at 2 P. M., in M. U. Hall, to take action in regard to the foot-ball and base-ball challenges of the class of '77 at Yale.

THE Yale Crew will remain very much as it was last summer. Four of the men will occupy the same seats in the boat: Cook, stroke; Kennedy, 2; Kellogg, 3; Brownell, 4. E. C. Cook and Fowler will fill the remaining places.

THE officers of the Harvard Cricket Club are: J. G. King, '75, President; J. A. Harris, Law School, Vice-President; F. L. Green, '76, Secretary and Treasurer; R. H. Lee, L. S. S., Captain; J. G. King, '75, G. B. Ives, '76, E. P. Bruce, '77, Directors.

THE following men are candidates for the University Nine: Hooper, '75, Kent, '75, Tyng, '76, Ernst, '76, Tower, '77, Leeds, '77, Latham, '77, McDowell, '77, Thatcher, '77, Thayer, '78. They have been running twice a week, and hope to get out on Jarvis Monday next.

THE Foot-Ball Club are about to send to London for jerseys and stockings. They are to be black and gold striped. The price of jerseys will be eight shillings apiece, the stockings seven shillings per pair. All wishing to order at the same time can do so by leaving their names (with size of shirt and sock) at 35 M. before Wednesday, April 14.

THE article by General Lister on Military Drill in the last Magenta was the cause of the formation of a military organization composed of students. General Lister called a preliminary meeting two weeks ago, and since then recruits have been drilled in the Gymnasium every evening. On Tuesday last the organization was divided into two companies, and Mr. Prince, '75, was elected to the command of one company, Mr. Eldridge, '76, of the other. At present one hundred and ninety have enrolled their names, and on Monday next Battalion officers will be chosen.

THE Rev. W. W. Newton of Brookline will preach before S. Paul's Society on Wednesday evening, April 12, at 7 P. M.

FROM A LADY'S DIARY, 1776. - Patches at the corner of the eye, passionnee; in the centre of the forehead, majestueuse; on the corner of the mouth, baiseuse; in the middle of the cheek, galante; on the dimple, enjouee; on the nose, effrontee; and on the lips, coquette.

SUMMER courses of instruction will be given this year in Chemistry and Botany. The former will include General Chemistry, Qualitative Analysis, Quantitative Analysis, and Determinative Mineralogy. Applicants are requested to send their names to Prof. J. P. Cooke, Cambridge, before June I, mentioning the part or parts of the subject which they intend to study. The instruction will be given in Boylston Hall, four hours in the day, five days in the week, from July 8 to August 19. The fee for every course is $ 25, including the use of apparatus (not breakage), payable in advance to the Bursar. The courses in Botany will include one on Phaenogamic Botany, given at the Botanical Museum by Assistant Professor Goodale; and one in Cryptogamic Botany, given at some locality on the sea-shore, by Assistant Professor Farlow. The co-operation of the Kentucky Geological Survey is promised to the Cumberland Gap School. The fee for the term of two months will be $ 50, including the use of camp fixtures and transportation about the camp.

THE games with the Uxbridge Chess Club stand as follows:-



1. P. K. 4. P. K. 4.

2. B. Q. B. 4. Kt. K. B. 3.

3. P. Q. 3. B. Q. B. 4.

4. Kt. K. B. 3. P. Q. 3.

5. P. Q. B. 3. Castles.



1. P. K. 4. P. K. 4.

2. Kt. K. B. 3. P. Q. 4.

3. P. X. P. Q. X. P.

4. Q. Kt. B. 3. Q. R. 4.

5. B. Q. B. 4.

The game with the Boston Club was quite long, requiring about thirty-five moves to decide it against Harvard.

As the boats will be out this week, we give the time of high tide for the next two weeks, for the convenience of those who row:-

Date. Morn. Even. Date. Morn. Even.

h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m.

April 10 ...2 45 3 15 April 17 ...10 10 30

April 12 ...4 45 5 30 April 19 ...11 30 11 45

April 13 ...6 6 30 April 20 ...0 15 Morn.

April 14 ...7 7 45 April 21 ...0 30 0 45

April 15 .. 8 15 8 45 April 22 ...1 1 30

April 16 ...9 15 9 45 April 23 ...1 45 2

A LIMITED number of Lexington Centennial medals will be struck immediately in bronze at the U. S. Mint in Philadelphia. Historical Societies, Numismatic Societies, Public Libraries, or individual collectors can order them at $ I each (neatly packed in boxes), by sending word to

REV. E. G. PORTER,Centennial Committee, Lexington, Mass.THE regular Spring business meeting of the Athletic Association will be held in one of the College halls, on Monday evening next, at half past seven. Due notice of the place will be given, and all members are earnestly requested to attend, as a Constitution and Field Regulations are to be adopted, and preparations made for the June Field Meeting.

B. R. CURTIS, President,CHAS. ISHAM, Secretary.Notice to Seniors.MR. NOTMAN'S Agent is now ready to take the larger groups, and appointments will be made at once. The class of '75 will be photographed in front of Memorial Hall on Saturday morning, April 17, at eleven o'clock.

J. A. HODGE,B. R. CURTIS,M. A. RAYMOND.Class Committee.
