

KEYS to the club boat-house can be obtained from the Treasurers of the clubs.

THE "Forester Shooting Club" has become the "Harvard Shooting Club."

OUR liberty is at stake! Pitching pennies in the yard has been stopped by the proctors.

THE Yale Glee Club have started on a tour. They will sing first at Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

THE challenge cup of the Chess Club has been won from its former holder by T. W. Barnes, '76.


SIXTEEN undergraduates have joined Co. K, 5th Regiment M. V. M., Captain, H. N. Wheeler.

FOR SALE - Shell single-scull boat, built by Blakey. Sliding seat. Little used. Apply at II Holyoke.

THE Captain of the Foot-Ball Club has received an answer from Columbia. They will be unable to play us this spring, owing to the impossibility of getting up a twenty during the boating season. They express a wish, however, to play us in the fall.

THE river is free from ice, and the floats at the boat-house will be in place the beginning of next week.

THE spectacle for the last week daily presented in front of Holworthy is decidedly demoralizing. "Alea quando hos animos?"

A SUBSCRIPTION has lately been set on foot and & 12,950 has been raised to finish Memorial Hall and to lessen the debt of the Dining Hall Association.

DURING the coming spring the University Nine expects to play games with Princeton and Yale, on Jarvis. Yale would prefer to play after the Annuals.

AT the meeting of the French Club, next Monday, Moliere's "Misanthrope" will be read. Members are requested to bring their own books. Il y aura du ponsch!

THE Great American Traveller has requested us to state that he is engaged on another great work, "The Prattville Criterion," - "five hundred feet of manuscript."

THE Weld-Thayer crew will lose Wetmore, Thayer, and Loring; the Matthews, Bacon, Harding, and Taylor; while Holworthy will keep its old crew with the omission of Dana.
