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THE Weld Boat Club has adopted a uniform consisting of shirts, trousers, and hats with bands of the club colors. It is hoped that not only the crew, but all members of the club, will wear the hats. The advantages of this plan are so plain, that they call for no comment; it is to be hoped that the other boat-clubs of the College will immediately follow the Weld Club's example. The adoption by the boat-clubs of another permanent distinguishing mark has been suggested. In the Library is a card on which are printed in colors the flags of the various college boat-clubs of Oxford University; with the dark-blue flag of the University in the centre, these bright-colored flags have a very brilliant effect. It would be perfectly possible for the boat-clubs of Harvard to choose flags of a similar sort. Five flag-staffs could be erected on the boat-house. In the centre the great Magenta banner could be hoisted, and on either side two club-flags, whose colors and designs should be chosen by the members of the clubs. This plan deserves serious consideration.
