

THE Chess Club is soon to play some practice games with the Boston Chess Club.

MR. W. F. WELD has resigned his position as Captain of the Matthews Boat Club, on account of ill-health.

THE captain of the H. U. F. B. C. is endeavoring to make arrangements for a match game of foot-ball with Columbia.

OUR funny friend wants to know if the two policemen who were summoned to the late fire in Little's Block were called in to arrest the progress of the flames.

IT is proposed next year to turn Holden Chapel into an art-school, with a lecture-room below, in which the Gray engravings will be placed.


AN English translation from Juvenal's 10th Satire, "Quanto delphinis balaena Britannica major," - "As much as the British Prince of W(h)ales is greater than the Dauphin."

THE Cambridge Subscription Assembly will take place in Lyceum Hall on Tuesday, April 6. Tickets, four dollars each, admitting a gentleman with ladies, can be obtained at 43 Matthews.

THE refusal of several of the leading hotels in Boston to provide a supper for the Sophomores has been construed to be a violation of the Civil Rights' Bill, because it is a distinction against a class.

THE books of the late Dr. Walker, numbering over 3,500 volumes, have been received at the Library. Dr. Martyn Paine, of New York, has also sent to the Library some valuable and interesting works.

THERE will be a service at S. Paul's Society to-morrow, Saturday evening, that being Easter Eve. It may not be generally understood that all members of the University are invited to any services of the Society.

TICKETS for the Sophomore Class Supper can be obtained of the Committee of Arrangements or at Richardson's, until Wednesday, March 31, at I P. M. All those who wish to attend the supper must secure their seats before that time.

THE petition asking that recitations may cease at five o' clock is still under consideration. We understand that the Faculty will endeavor to find out, as nearly as possible, the desire of each student before announcing their decision.

AT least four colleges will enter Freshman crews at Saratoga, - Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Columbia. Amherst is doubtful about trusting the virgin innocence of Freshmen in such an abode of wickedness, although her University crew have steeled their minds to brave temptation this year.

THE excellence of the Holyoke crew in the fall is likely to prove fatal to them this spring. Two of the crew are to pull on the University, two in the Freshmen crew, one is training for the single-scull race and will not pull with a crew, while the sixth man has given up rowing altogether.

THE prizes won in the late Chess Tournament were awarded to the victors last Tuesday evening. The first prize consisted of a championship cup, which is held subject to the challenge of any member of the Club, and a set of ivory chessmen. The second prize is a smaller set of chessmen.
