

No Headline

ON the opening of the river and the beginning of the boating-season, the club officers and the Executive Committee of the H. U. B. C. will be called upon not only to decide whether we are to have class and club races, but also to consider some plan for giving to each club member better opportunities than were given last autumn for rowing at the most convenient hours, - between 3 and 6.

Each club, at present, possesses a six-oar barge, a four-oar, two double sculls, and two single sculls, with an average membership of fifty, - or each club can seat at any one time one third of its members. This number of boats is sufficient when there are no crews in training, and as long as the barges can be used by all members; but when the crews commence going out in the afternoon, then the number of boats is too small. Unless one happens to have rowed before, and has some skill in handling the oar, - unless one, in fact, is on either of the crews, - it is nearly impossible to get any boat whatsoever in the afternoon. The barges are required for the crews, and only the double and single sculls are left for the use of the thirty or forty other men in each club.

This crowding in the afternoon can be done away with either by increasing the number of boats or by having fixed hours during which the barges are to be used by nobody except the crews. The first remedy, of course, if practicable, removes the necessity of the second; if it is not practicable, as probably will be the case, by having the crews use the barges between 5 and 7, ten more men will have an opportunity of rowing between 3 and 5. Last autumn, when the crews were training, no ten men at 3 o'clock would take out the barges, lest it should interfere with the practice of the crews; so the boats often lay on the racks from 3 till 5, awaiting the crews that came at 5: while, if it had been known when the evening pull was to be taken, many men would have availed themselves of the knowledge and gone out in the first part of the afternoon. Upon such little matters as this the prosperity of the clubs depends, and we hope that proper measures will be taken to secure the best interests of the individuals as well as of the crews.
