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AFTER the hours of the Tabular View change and dinner comes at one instead of two, it is suggested that recitations end at five instead of six. Themes would then come at two, and the first recitation would be at three. We should then have the same interval after dinner as we do at present, and few, we are convinced, think that the time allowed is too short. Themes and Forensics do not fall to the lot of individuals more than once a week, on the average, and the time until three would be amply sufficient for the customary smoke or after-dinner nap. The proposed plan would leave the hour from five to six for exercise in the Gymnasium or for walking, and, what is more important, would prolong the time for rowing, and allow the crews to get their supper before half past seven or eight. Those who have engagements in the evening would greatly appreciate this leisure hour before six, and we believe that the change would be favorably received by a majority of the students.
