WE are highly flattered at the precision with which one of our most valued exchanges has recently copied us in outward form.
"WE think that neither the Magenta nor the Advocate is quite the paper that an institution of the size, pretensions, and undoubted ability of Harvard ought to produce."
So says the College Argus. Its notions of what "an institution of the size, pretensions, and undoubted ability" of Wesleyan ought to produce are shown in an article entitled "Twilight Musings." We are introduced to a young lady called Mabel, who, being somewhat impecunious, and an orphan withal, foolishly wishes for the riches of this world. By an ingenious process of castle-building she attains her end in about fifteen minutes; but the powers of earth, air, water, and fire - as exemplified in the sun - begin to send in such exorbitant tax-bills for the use of their respective elements, that she is fain to return to her former state, and to content herself with the hope of a future reward. The merits of this article are so delightfully uniform that it is almost impossible to choose any one passage for citation; but the manner in which "small cottages" and "elegant equipages" are contrasted, and the striking originality of the epithets - as "golden sunsets" and "murmuring streams" - are worthy of notice. The figures of the various spirits are draped with a modest care truly admirable; the golden mantle of the Sun-King and the green and brown dresses of the wood-nymphs are carried with all the natural grace with which the clothes of Vottina are worn by the immortal figures of Michael Angelo in the Sistine Chapel. This article indicates great literary culture, - of the sort which can be obtained from the shelves of Sunday-school libraries; and we most earnestly advise its author to continue his work in a path for which he has been so admirably fitted by nature. We should, however, suggest the American Tract Society as a more desirable medium for the publication of his future works than the College Press. For our own part, we have been favored with no contributions that can in any way be compared with that which we have cited from our contemporary; and we should not venture to wish for such good fortune. At the same time, the criticism of the Argus is to a certain extent just. The quantity of matter which we receive is not all that we could wish, and does not allow us all the liberty of choice that could be desired. Our fellow-students have an excuse in the numerous social duties which the neighborhood of a great city entails. But we wish that more generous contributions from them might tend to raise, us nearer to the inattainable standard of our Middletown contemporary.
AN exchange says : "Can the watermelon be successfully cultivated on sandy soil, with a theological seminary near by, containing a hundred and twenty students studying for the ministry?"
A JUNIOR, the other night, mistook some following "peelers" for the precession of the equinoxes, and cried out, "Blast you, keep your mean distances." - Trinity Tablet.
FROM a description of Syracuse University in the Union College Spectator we clip the following : -
"Chapel is held at a respectable hour, 9.35 A. M., immediately after the first recitation. The room is pleasant and commodious, - capable of seating six hundred. Though attendance at services is not compulsory, to our surprise nearly all the students were present. The Faculty appear in a body upon the platform, and produce a much finer effect than the distribution of a select few in sentinel-boxes. The appearance of a score of ladies in the front seats strikes a visitor from a staid institution for males as somewhat peculiar. He soon begins to admire, however, and concludes that they are decidedly more ornamental than carved work or fresco. Singing is a pleasant feature of the devotional exercises, is led by a lady organist, and heartily supported by the Faculty and students. The respectful attention and almost death-like stillness during worship are particularly noticeable."
Old and New for March contains the beginning of a series of articles entitled, "A Hundred Years ago," which will form a most interesting chronicle of the events whose centennial anniversaries are approaching. Trollope's serial is continued. Mr. Scudder has a most ingeniously absurd story; and "The Class of '71," "The Fort Fisher Expedition," and some mediocre poetry fill up the number.
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