WITH regard to aquatic matters, we understand that the question as to whether the Beacon Cup shall be contested by crews made up from the several clubs or from the classes, is at present an open one. We consider the former plan the better one for various reasons, the principal of which lie in the complete success which has attended the club system, and in its admirable fitness to our wants. We fail to see any sufficient inducement to make us abandon a system so plainly satisfactory to all, and recur to an old method of forming crews, which every one has been very glad to see given up. On each club crew all classes are generally well represented, and no other system is able to bring out such uniformly good crews, or arouse such general interest in the result. Class crews involve more or less additional expense, which very rarely returns an equivalent. The Beacon Cup was given originally as a prize for class crews, but there is no reason why its purpose should not be changed, as has been done with the Graduates' Cup, and be offered to club crews. In either case these cups are an incentive to good oarsmanship, and that is their sole object. This plan, it is urged, does not allow the Freshman crew any opportunity of entering our college races. If intercollegiate Freshmen contests are to be permanent, which we think quite unlikely, our Freshman crew could be allowed, with much propriety and fairness, to enter the spring races on equal terms with the other crews, and if they prove the winners their names should adorn the Beacon Cup as a Freshman crew. The only difference, then, between our Fall and Spring races would consist in the number of entries for each. The season is too short to allow of two sets of races, one for class crews and another for club crews. It is much better to adhere strictly to one kind. The method we suggest prevents the club crews from being superseded one half the year, besides affording satisfaction to the greatest number, and being the best way by which to advance our standard of oarsmanship.
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