

THE Sophomore societies have appointed committees to arrange the preliminaries for the Class Supper.

SCENE, the Montpensier Collection. - Brown. Why do they call that picture a Madonna? - Smith. Because so many criticisms are made on her, you know.

THE student who was discovered at two o'clock yesterday morning reclining in the entry of Matthews, remarked that the flight of stairs was so swift that he could not keep up with it.

ON Tuesday evening, February 23, Mr. Norton will deliver the first lecture to the Art Club. Mr. Palmer, Mr. Moore, and other gentlemen have consented to lecture to the Club and it is hoped that on every Tuesday evening during the second term a lecture will be delivered.

BELOW are the subjects of the course of lectures now being given by M. Jules Levy, of Boston, before the Cercle Francais. One has been already delivered, and the next will be given on Monday evening, the 22d February. There-after on alternate Monday evenings. Members of the Club may invite friends.


Essai sur le Theatre en France.

1. Origines. L'avocat Patelin.

2. La Renaissance et la Pleiade.

3. Influence italienne. La commedia dell' Arte.

4. Les grands tragiques Comeille, Racine.

5. La Comedie. Moliere.

6. Le Theatre au XVIIIe Siecle.

7. Le Romantisme et le Drame moderne. Victor Hugo.

8. La Comedie moderne.

WE are glad to learn that the Yale-Harvard base-ball games are to be played as formerly, - one here, one in New Haven, and the third on neutral ground. Several men are working hard for the Nine, and there is reason to hope that the championship, so long held by Harvard, will be regained.

AT the meeting of the C. T. Co., last night, the following officers were chosen: President, J. C. Holman, '76; Vice-President, A. T. Wakefield, '77; Secretary, F. G. Wheeler, '77; Treasurer, C. P. Twitchell, '77. An address was made by the president, in which he favored the maintenance of but one line.

THERE is a Litany Service at the room of the S. Paul's Society (17 Grays) every evening at 7 o'clock except Saturday and Sunday evenings. This Service will be continued through Lent. As has already been said, the Services are open to all students. The length of the Service is twenty minutes.

THE list of men trying for the University Crew has not yet been fully given. We believe this is a complete list: James, Otis, Thayer, Lawrence Scientific School; Wetmore, '75; Brown, Hall, '76; Taylor, Stiles, '77; Bancroft, Ely, Loring, Morgan, Yates, '78.
