

THE right man in the right place, - a Freshman at Prayers.

AN Irishman who was engaged to cut ice from a pond, when handed a cross-cut saw to commence operation with, pulled out a penny, and, turning to his comrade, exclaimed, "Now, Pat, fair play; head or tail, who goes below." - Mirror.

THE editors of the Acta Columbiana have endeavored to stimulate contribution and subscription, by offering a prize of $25 for "the best article on any subject of interest, except religion and politics," by an undergraduate subscriber. The judges are to be selected by the board of Editors from among the alumni. The article must be between 1, 000 and 2, 000 words in length.

THE College Journal says that the judges of the Philadelphia courts have established a rule, admitting to the bar without examination all graduates of the Law School of the University of Pennsylvania. The same paper has a long editorial about Carlyle's supposed refusal of the honorary degree offered him by Harvard. Its moralization, and its aphorisms about "toadyism," are extremely amusing. The subject is treated with a gravity which reminds one of the discussion of the Cardiff Giant in recent English periodicals.

PROFESSOR to Student, whom he meets walking unsteadily up College Hill: "Been on a drunk?" - "So have I." - EX.


THE Round Table publishes a long article against dancing. The writer thinks that the introduction of this profane amusement into the mixed college society of the West would tend to change "sober, intelligent, earnest, religious young men" into "fast, wild, and irreligious" characters; and to make of "virtuous, modest, Christian young women," "young women either insipid and fond of frittering away their time reading love-stories and dreaming about young men, or else bold, unchaste, and immodest." The terpsichorean efforts of this author have probably not been attended with success.

THE fine slate roof now being placed on Memorial Hall will, when completed, contain the following inscription in Hebrew: The day is short, the reward is great, the laborers are few, the Master urges." It will be set in the slate, blue on red ground, with gilt marks of accent and gilt stars, and other ornamentation. - Union Spectator.

This is pretty good; but Columbia can go them several better, the armorial bearings of the latter institution being exceedingly loud. We quote from the Acta Columbiana the following description of its crest: "Above, Jehovah in a glory."

OXFORD has vanquished Cambridge in foot-ball. There are 2, 537 students in the University of Cambridge. The Oxford Union decided against female suffrage by a vote of 51 to 17. In Cambridge, That in case of any decided action on the part of Russia and Austria with regard to the partition or reconstruction of Turkey, it is a paramount and national necessity for England to take possession of the Suez Canal," was decided by a vote of 40 to 2; the only speaker against being Mustafa Ben Yusaf.

IF there is one thing sweeter; snugger, squeezer, kisser, hugger, than another in this world of love and sunshine, it is going to a college mixed. Smiles, sugar, and soothing-syrup, serenades and sadness, study nothing, go among 'em, everything. The old fashion of "going it alone" is played out for the better one of "going it double." Some may take their education "straight," but as for me, "give me 'mix,' or give me nothing."

Of all the institutions which a fast age has fixed,

There is nothing that compares with a college that is mixed.

Simpsonian.JUST as Simpson was going to his place of business on Maumee Street, the other morning, his wife received a telegram stating that her mother was dead, when this dialogue took place:-

"Mr. Simpson, you cannot go to work this morning, your mother-in-law is dead."

"My dear, it will be impossible for me to leave my business to-day."
