THREE new reading-tables are to be placed in the main hall of the Library.
THE "Maison Doree" has removed from Hayward Place to No. 7 Central Court.
THE Art Club has sent out about five hundred copies of the Circular which it has issued in regard to the proposed Scholarship.
SHOOTING, opposite Mount Auburn, grows better at every match. On Wednesday afternoon, A. B. Denny, '77, made a score of 40 out of a possible 50, and H C. Leeds, '77, scored 38.
NOTMAN has been appointed photographer of the Class of Seventy-six.
WE see by the Boston papers, that the Law School of Boston University has in training a crew which intends in the spring to challenge a crew from our Law School.
MR. JOHN A. STEVENS of New York has sent the Library some old volumes, among which is an odd edition of "The History of Pausimna," and Lylie's "Anatomy of Wit."
WE understand that a performance of the comedietta "Queen of Hearts," written by Professor Greenough, will be given in Cambridge soon after the vacation, in aid of the Centennial fund.
JUNIORS who desire to anticipate the prescribed rhetoric of the second term must send blank-books to the Dean's office on or before January 15. The examination will be held in U. E. R. at 11 o'clock on the 22d January.
THE Harvard Index appeared early this week. It lacks the alphabetical list of students, which was its most praiseworthy feature last year, and it is so incorrect, and so evidently a money-making enterprise, that we cannot help wishing it was issued by persons of better judgment.
THE Harvard Rifle-Club was formally organized on Monday, and the following officers were chosen: S. Sherwood, President; W. E. Russell, Secretary and Treasurer; Sigourney Butler, Field-Inspector. Committees were appointed to conduct the election of members and to draft a constitution for the club.
THE Junior who understood the first verse of the "Two Voices" to mean
"Thou art so full of misery
Were it not better not to be" [so full of misery],
and who wrote six pages in answer to this question, has discovered his mistake.
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