UNDER the suggestive heading of W. P. B., the Oxford and Cambridge Journal discusses its exchanges. The articles published in the Crimson on base-ball seem to afford a vast field of speculation; witness the following:-
"The items of expenditure by the base-ball club strike us (for we confess to an utter ignorance of the game) as somewhat miscellaneous and peculiar. There is 'Rope,' 'Flour,' and 'four Policemen,' who kept the ground, we may presume, on the occasion of the match on Jarvis Field. The bed-makers at Harvard appear to be called 'Goody,' as a term of general opprobrium or endearment."
The Town and Gown riots at Cambridge have been particularly violent this year; but the animosity of the students seems to have been chiefly directed against the police. It is both interesting and affecting to find in conservative England that same tender sympathy ever existing between student and policeman which marks our relations with the peelers of the Port. A curious event has just occurred at Oxford. We give the Journals account of the affair:-
"One fine day last May - as a matter of fact it was the thirty-first - Mr. Brantingham, of Christ Church, having occasion to write a letter, was unfortunate enough to use a sheet of paper on which was stamped a representation of a Cardinal's hat, which is the crest of Christ Church. Some myrmidon of the Inland 'Revenue discovered this circumstance, and a few weeks ago Mr. Brantingham received a windy rigmarole of a legal summons to attend at the Vice-Chancellor's Court, and show cause why he should not forfeit the sum of pound 20 in that he did 'in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five to wit, at Christ Church, Oxford, wear and use Armorial Bearings, for the wearing and using of which a license was required, without having a proper license.'"
What makes the matter still more remarkable is, that Mr. Brantingham was an American citizen. The Journal well points out the absurdity of the case; for "the wearing of a boating coat or cap, the use of dishes or jugs stamped with the college crest," would bring the user within the scope of this Act of Parliament. Verily, a free country is America; where people can put on or take off armorial bearings, as they would that particular bearing which goes in student circles by the name of "dog." The debates in the Oxford and Cambridge Unions are sometimes most interesting, as affording indications of the tenor of thought prevailing among the more educated classes of the younger part of the nation. Thus, in Oxford, the motion that "this house sympathizes with the insurrection in Herzegovina" was carried, 56 to 8. In Cambridge, "that this house strongly disapproves of the conduct of government regarding the Admiralty circular relating to fugitive slaves," was carried, 83 to 37.
THE Yale Courant very sensibly says that Harvard and Yale should not make any new bonds between themselves and the rest of the colleges, such as an Athletic Association, if they are still debating the advisability of withdrawing from the Rowing Association. The Courant deplores the recent Harvard-Yale, unpleasantness, informs us that they are our friends still, and then rather illogically requests us to "cheer up"! According to the Courant's table, in this fall's athletics, Yale made the best time in four "events," Williams and Pennsylvania University in three, Harvard in two, Tufts in one, while Dartmouth, Wesleyan, Union, Cornell, and Bowdoin were in nothing pre-eminent. We would ask the Courant whether Yale's 252 Freshmen are in the Academic Department alone, or include those in the Scientific School? In the former case, "we accept their apology."
We have received the first number of the University Magazine from the University of Pennsylvania. It promises to be a very good paper.
THE Forest and Stream has a leading editorial on "Collegiate Rifle-matches," and to encourage an annual contest in rifle-shooting between the colleges it offers "a badge as a prize for students' competition, either at Creedmoor or at other ranges to which they have access."
How sad-it is to see vital energy wasted! Such is the sentiment with which we read the Berkleyan's pulverization of Carlyle. "The War of Independence," "Last Quarter of the Nineteenth Century" furnish the pellets of a charge more remarkable for vigor than originality. We scarce remember to have seen, however, a more startling sense given to the metaphor of the feast of reason than when the writer likens Harvard degrees to the nectar of the gods, Harvard University to Vulcan exciting ridicule by playing Hebe, and Mr. Carlyle to a "little European godkin"!
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