BY the kindness of the President we are permitted to print the following letter, which he has received from Mr. Carlyle.:-
5 CHEYNE ROW, CHELSEA, 23 Nov., 1875.
SIR, - Some days ago I received your courteous and obliging letter, and along with it the University Diploma appointed for me on the 30th June last, which now lies safely reposited here.
In return for all which I can only beg you to express to the governing boards of the University my lively sense of the honor they have done me, and my cordial thanks for this proof of their friendly regard, which I naturally wish may long continue on their part.
Towards Harvard University I have long had a feeling of affection, in some respects almost veneration; to Harvard, and to you, its distinguished President, I now cordially wish all manner of prosperity and good esteem from wise men on both sides of the ocean.
With many thanks and regards, I subscribe myself, sir,
Sincerely yours,
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