
TO '77.

DESPITE the fact that the prevailing times are known as hard, and that the students have been solicited for contributions in aid of various objects to such an extent that they now instinctively shudder when they see approaching them one of those solicitors who with eager eye and hungry look stalk abroad seeking whom they may devour, still, in the face of these facts, this article is written for the purpose of setting forth another object which will demand pecuniary aid from the students, but which has one advantage over previous one namely, that the contributors have in the end something to show for their money. The object in question is the erection of a window in Memorial Hall by the class of '77. Now, as it is intended to ultimately adorn our banqueting-hall with memorial windows erected by the different classes, why should not the class of '77 be one of the foremost in undertaking this work as she has others which have asked her assistance since she came to college? As yet only two classes have interested themselves in this matter, namely, the classes of 1844 and 1857. The class of '44 proceeded so far as to have one half of a window completed and this was placed temporarily in the hall by the architects, in order that they might see the effect. But so insecure were the fastenings that the framework gave way and precipitated it into the gallery beneath injuring it so severely that it will probably be a long time before it can be repaired, and in consequence of this accident the work of beginning the other half of the window will be deferred for an indefinite period. The class of '57 started off bravely, but from various causes have delayed taking positive action in the matter until quite recently, when they engaged an artist to draw a cartoon for the window.

As the construction of a stained-glass window is no small undertaking, considerable time is necessary for its completion, but it seems as though '77, if willing to give attention to the subject now, and act with a tolerable degree of promptness, by taking advantage of the backwardness of '57, and the disasters of '44, might still have the honor of erecting the first memorial window; but in case this were denied her, she still would have the satisfaction of seeing her memorial in position on her class day, and of feeling that she was among the foremost to place her contribution in the hall.

This project of erecting class windows is one in which great interest ought to be felt; but it is doubtful if a general interest in the subject will ever be awakened before a window is actually placed in the hall, which shall act as an example for others to follow. If this work is to be undertaken by a class in college, there is no one better able to take the initiatory steps, nor one by which it could be better done, than by the class of '77.

The reasons for setting forth this project at the present time, which to some may seem to be unnecessarily early, are as follows: In the first place it is well known that "great bodies move slowly," and as this is an undertaking which requires considerable time to get under way, and still further time for completion, it is well, in such a matter, to take time by the forelock. In the second place, although Juniors have had frequent calls for contributions made upon them during the past month, still at present they are less subject to these demands than at other times. Finally, it seems as though a memorial window, to be literally a class window, ought to be paid for by subscription from every member in the class which erects it, and for this reason the subscription books ought to be opened while the class is yet in college, and the members bound together; otherwise, if the subject is not proposed until after graduation, when the class has separated, the expense of a window will fall upon a comparatively small number, and there will probably be a large number who, through ignorance of the project, will fail to contribute what they otherwise would have had they been requested to do so while in college. Also students, as a rule, are better able to subscribe while in college than they are for several years after graduation; and if a call for money to aid an object of this kind is to be made upon a class in college, it ought certainly to be made in the Junior rather than the Senior year, when the expenses of a student are heavier than at any other time.

It is to be hoped that the members of the class of '77 will give this plan of erecting a class window their careful consideration, and if they arrive at a favorable conclusion concerning it, will not only evince their interest in the matter by taking the preliminary steps necessary for future action, but will also show their readiness to aid the work in a more substantial manner.


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