

THE fall meeting of the Athletic Association took place Saturday afternoon. The track had been prepared with great care, but as it had frozen in the night and thawed in the forenoon it was in a bad condition. A large number of ladies were present, and the meeting was altogether a very successful one.

The first event was a one-mile run, in which A. L. Lowell, '77, and C. James, '79, were the only starters. James took the lead, and kept in advance until the end of the second quarter, when he was passed by Lowell, who won the race in 5 min. 2 1/2 sec. Mr. Lowell then mounted the judges' stand, and, after receiving his prize, - a magnificent silver tankard, - leaped from the stand to the ground, and disappeared in the crowd amidst loud shouts of applause. The next event was a one-mile walk between Green, '76; Taylor, '77; and Legate, '77. Taylor took the lead at once, and gained steadily on each quarter, Green and Legate following in the order named. Taylor came in an easy winner in 7.33 1/2, Green being second in 8.15, and Legate third. In the running high jump the contestants were Danforth, '77; Walker, '77; and Hubbard, '78. Danforth and Walker failed at 4 ft. 10 in., leaving the field clear to Hubbard, who succeeded in accomplishing 5 ft. 1 in. The entries in the 100-yard dash were Abbott, L. S.; F. W. Thayer, '78; Stiles, '77; Conant, '79; and Swift, '79. This race was divided into heats, the first of which was between Abbott and Thayer, the latter winning in 11 1/8 seconds. In the second heat, between Stiles, Conant, and Swift, Swift won in 11 1/4 seconds; the final heat between the two winners, Thayer and Swift, was won by Thayer in 11 seconds. In the half-mile run the contestants were P. Lowell, '76; Keyes, '77; A. L. Lowell, '77; and Dunham, '77. A. L. Lowell came in first, his time being 2 min. 9 sec.; Dunham was second, and P. Lowell third, Keyes having fallen out. The running long jump was omitted. The two-mile run was between Bancroft, '78; Raymer, '78; and James, '79. At the start Raymer led, Bancroft was second, and James third. Until the sixth quarter they kept close together, when James took the second position; on the last quarter, James, making a beautiful spirt, pushed ahead and won the race in 12 min. 4 1/2 sec. The next event was a hurdle-race of 120 yards, over ten hurdles, in which entered Rives, L. S.; Keyes, '77; Walker, '77; Thayer, '78; and Van Rensselaer, '79. This was a beautiful race, in which every man did his best. Thayer came in first in 20 3/4 sec, Rives being second, Keyes third, Walker fourth, and Van Rensselaer last. The three mile walk did not take place. The last event was a quarter-mile race, in which were Abbott, L. S.; Ellis, L. S.; Dunham, '77; Thayer, '78; James, '79; and Conant, '79. The race was won by Dunham in 59 1/2 seconds, Conant being second. The judges were Mr. R. Gray, '75, and Mr. F. S. Watson, '75.
