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THE election of a man who has never rowed on the University crew to the position of captain of the crew marks a new departure in our boating affairs. The leaf which we are about to turn will, we trust, be brighter than the last one. For the new captain of the crew we can confidently promise that his sole idea will be the conscientious discharge of the responsible duties committed to his charge. He believes in having only those men in the boat who are (to use his own words) "heart and soul in the crew," and he will endeavor to find five men in the University who have, beside the requisite amount of muscle, a sufficiently high idea of the trust confided to them to exert themselves to their utmost both before and during the race.

In the crew of last year there was more lack of enthusiasm than of muscle. The men went through the regular routine of work laid out for a university crew, but they thought more of going to Saratoga and of wearing their University hats about Cambridge than they did of winning the race. This feeling the new captain intends to keep down. The object of the crew will be to win, and if he succeeds in picking out for his crew men who will enthusiastically devote themselves, mind and body, to the work, we can begin to cherish hopes of victory.
