


THE gathering of the members of this Society for their annual supper occurred at the Revere House, Boston, last evening, and proved a most enjoyable finale of their very successful year. According to the pleasant custom of past years, members of the First Ten elect were present and entered heartily into the spirit of the occasion. At the close of the supper the President, Mr. Dickinson, after a few apt remarks, introduced the orator of the evening, Mr. MacArthur. At the close of the oration Mr. Olmsted, the toastmaster, was introduced, and to him a large share of the evening's pleasure was due. "Alma Mater" was responded to by W. S. Collins; "The Athenaeum of '77," by S. J. Watson; "The Dramatic Interest," by D. C. McMartin; "The Annuals," by W. R. Morris; "The Literary Interest," by C. F. Thwing; "The Ladies," by F. A. Blandy; "The Chorus," by H. L. Osgood; "The Athenaeum of "76," by F. H. Morgan. The response to "The Dramatic Interest" by Mr. McMartin was particularly happy. To the informal toasts there were many replies that elicited hearty applause; the replies of Mr. Grandin and Mr. Sykes were particularly noteworthy. For the judicious selection of songs that were interspersed with the toasts, the chorister, Mr. Botume, is to be congratulated. The thanks of all who enjoyed the festivities of the occasion are due to the committee of arrangements, Messrs. Osgood, Thomson, and Olmsted.

INSTITUTE.The one hundred and fifth annual dinner of the Institute took place at Parker's last evening, the President, Mr. Bradford, in the chair. About forty-five were present, and the dinner was served in Parker's best style. After about two hours had been spent in discussing the more material part of the evening's enjoyment, Mr. Bradford called on Mr. R. W. Curtis for the first toast of the evening, "Our Alma Mater." Mr. Jaques then responded to "The Institute of 1770," in a few earnest words, expressing the wishes so generally entertained for the future welfare of the Society. Mr. Andrews developed a vast fund of biblical knowledge in his response to "The Class of 1876." Mr. Swift, '77, indulged in an allusion to the tender affection existing between the classes of '76 and '77, in his response in behalf of the latter class. Mr. Brown, '77, then replied for the Freshman Ten. Mr. Weld responded for the victorious Sophomore Crew, and paid them a deserved compliment on their high moral character. Messrs. Roman and Andrews responded for "The Ladies," but it appeared too vast a subject, even for them both, to do justice to. Mr. Isham replied for "The Advocate," ably expressing the wishes of both editorial boards for a continued good understanding between the papers. The rest of the evening was passed in convivial intercourse, and it was nearly midnight before the last chorus closed one of the most memorable evenings of our college life.
