WHERE the summer breezes mingle
Perfumes with the laden air,
And the honeysuckle blossoms
Spread their fragrance everywhere,
Just within the broad veranda,
In a shady, cool retreat,
Lay our hero, Dick, reclining,
Ennuied, o'ercome with heat.
Hark! a step upon the carpet.
"Coming here. By Jove! it's Lou!
Happy thought! I'll feign a slumber,
Just to see what she will do."
And his eyelids then descended
O'er his laughing hazel eyes;
And, with blissful expectation,
There he waited for the prize.
Nearer, nearer came the footsteps,
Lightly as a fairy's tend;
While within his wicked ambush
Richard waited for the end.
Softly they approached the sofa,
Surely he it is they seek;
And, surprised and joyed, he felt a
Timid kiss upon his cheek!
Thrilled with fond imagination,
Up he sprang with ardor then,
And, with love's own burning passion,
Clasped his faithful pointer, Ben! -
Clasped him with delicious triumph,
Pressed him fondly to his breast,
Then with madness gazed upon him -
Well, we will omit the rest!
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