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THE new scheme of electives reminds us of the approach of the time for choosing studies for the next year, and brings to mind one of the practical failings of the elective system. Very many of us have found that the liberty given in this direction fails of accomplishing its end, and that from the want of knowledge of the nature of some of the studies offered we are but little better off than we should be if the studies were decided for us. The fault does not lie in the Elective System itself, but in the necessity of choosing without sufficient information of the object of different courses and the manner in which they are to be treated; and, in the absence of any explanation by the College on this point, it would be well if the students who are acquainted with the courses would give a short criticism of such as are not likely to be understood by others, so that those who choose them may do so with the advantage of having their experience to guide them. The difficulty of which we speak becomes more apparent after the electives are commenced in the following year, when it is discovered, after it is too late to change, and to the sorrow of both instructor and student, that the latter has mistaken the character of the course, and that the elective is not one from which he can derive the advantage which he expected. To be sure, in most instances, probably in the majority, we are fortunate enough to make a good selection; but almost all of us are conscious that if we had known more of the nature of at least one of our electives, we should not have chosen it.

To prevent, in part at least, this trouble, and to give a sufficient knowledge of electives to allow of a wise choice by the students, the best plan seems to be to make use of the columns of the College papers, and by that means bring before the fellows a fair review of the different studies. But in doing so we ask that criticisms shall be just, and that the opportunity shall not be taken to find fault with instructors and electives generally, simply because they are such, or because a student finds pleasure in directing his remarks against a particular professor or course of study.
