

"Qui fit Maecenas ut nemo quam sibi sortem

Seu ratio dederit seu fors objecerit illa

Contentus vivat, laudat deserta sequentis."

WHILE still Olympus was the golden dwelling

Of all the glorious Gods, and o'er the heaven


His fire-wheeled chariot was often driven

By Zeus, the Thunderer, the Cloud-compelling;

And still the Muses' sacred fount was welling

On Helicon's green brow; and from the seven

Sweet Pleiades, the fairest was not riven;

And still the lands of Saturn's reign were telling, -

Then, when the Immortals to the earth descended,

They found great marble fanes and carven palaces,

Where ivory thrones were set, and incense blended

With scented breezes, through the cool halls sweeping;
