THE Phi Beta Kappa fraternity have their annual supper at Parker's on Friday evening, the 17th inst.
REV. PHILLIPS BROOKS will preach in St. John's Memorial Chapel on Sunday evening, the 19th inst.
REV. MR. JOHNSON of the Old Cambridge Baptist, will preach in the Chapel next Sunday evening, 12th inst.
AT a meeting of our College Overseers on Wednesday last, Messrs. John Gray, Henry J. Bigelow, and Thomas G. Appleton were elected Masters of the Museum of Fine Arts.
MR. WILLIAM EVERETT has promised to deliver the annual poem before the United Societies at Dartmouth at their next Commencement.
STUDENTS who rent boat-rests in the boat-house should, if they desire to re-rent them, give written notice immediately to Mr. F. S. Watson, 33 Weld.
A PHILOSOPHICAL Soph, sophistically philosophizing, has fallen into the sophistry, "Matter is destructible, for Livingtone was a-Nile-ated." O yes! - that is to say - No!
The article in the last Advocate, entitled "Principle' Again," proves conclusively that we have at least one real humorist in College.
FIRST SOPH. Why is the coach of the crew like Dio?
SECOND SOPH. (with inane grin). Because he's a crew's aider, eh?
Karl, zwei!
QUERY. - Why on Kantian principles is it impossible that a man should be unable to graduate?
Because Kant says that what has no degree is non-existent.
Ergo, Seniors in Philos. 3 please take notice.
WITH the addition of two art electives to our College course, it is more than probable that we shall soon have art clubs established here, of which our Alma Mater may reasonably be proud.
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A Senior's Souvenir.