"Aurea prima sata est aetas qua vindice nullo
Sponte sua, sine lege, fidem rectumque colebat."
THE legend says that in the golden time
When Saturn's sceptre blessed the blooming earth,
Men's hearts were filled with overflowing mirth,
And love and peace dwelt in that happy clime.
For never yet had thought of war or crime
In simple guileless bosoms had its birth,
And never yet had meagre, wasting Dearth
Dared enter where reigned Plenty in her prime.
Men lived as brothers, and their lives were long;
Their lives were free from discord, free from care.
All day the woodlands echoed to the song;
And sounds of feasting filled the evening air.
And often came the glorious Gods among
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Yale, 13; U. of Va., 11.