

IT is hoped this article will serve as an explanation to the many inquiries made with reference to the character of the work which it is proposed to publish on the University.

The work is to contain heliotypes of every building connected with the College proper and of its various departments, several interiors, representations of the College at different periods in its growth, society-rooms, - provided the consent of the societies can be obtained, - and other objects of interest to the graduate or undergraduate. In addition to these there will be heliotypes of a few of the former Presidents, and of all the Professors at present in the University, making the number of illustrations about one hundred and twenty, varying two or three more or less. Accompanying the heliotypes of the Professors, which are to be of cabinet size, will be their autographs.

A general history of the College, giving its origin and tracing its development from its foundation up to the present time, will form an introductory chapter. There will also be separate histories of each of the buildings, - telling when, by whom, or how they were founded, describing the changes they have undergone, and, in short, noticing all the interesting associations which they possess; and, moreover, there will be given biographical sketches of the persons in the work.

Many of the Professors and others who are acquainted with the history of the University, and who have been long interested in its welfare, have expressed a willingness to write these histories.

The heliotypes are to be criticised by competent persons, and a standard set for the guidance of those who have the making of them in charge, and none will be accepted which fall below this standard. The negatives from which the heliotypes are to be made will be taken expressly for the purpose, thereby producing a better effect than the use of photographic negatives would give. Some have been already taken, and will probably be placed on exhibition within a few days.


The volume will be of imperial quarto size, i. e. eleven by fourteen inches, and bound in different styles. The work will be published only by subscription, and will be ready in June.
