

ON Wednesday last the sad news of the death of one of Harvard's noblest sons was sent over the country from Washington. Any tribute that we could pay to his integrity, industry, and ability would be quite uncalled for in the light of his world-wide fame. He graduated in 1830, without a high rank in his class, having devoted his time, it is said, to hard reading instead of the required work of the College course. He was a member of the Hasty Pudding and Porcellian Clubs; and as one of his classmates has said, all that distinguished him while in college, from his fellows, was his knowledge of literature and his skill in boxing. As soon as he entered the Law School he attracted general attention by his industry and knowledge. Some time after he became a practising lawyer he was persuaded, much against his inclination, to enter politics, and since then his fame, which began with his oration on the Fourth of July, 1845, has spread over our own country and Europe. Many proofs has he given of his worth as a man; but the people, by the sadness that has filled their hearts at his death, have shown most conclusively that Sumner was truly great.

