

OFFICERS Of the several College Societies for the present half-year: -


President, R. Montague; Secretary, A. S. Thayer; Treasurer, N. Taylor.

II. H.

President, W. A. Reed; Vice-President, J. H. Appleton; Secretary, W. H. Holman; treasurer, T. C. Pease.


Institute of 1770.

President, G. H. Bradford; Vice-President, E. C. Hall; Secretary, N. A. Thompson; Treasurer, R. H. Gardiner.

C. T. Co.

President, R. W. Sawyer; Vice-President, J. C. Holman; Secretary, F. E. Chase; Treasurer, J. Dwight; Directors, J. E. Ditson, A. St J. Newbury, J. Wiggins.

Cercle Francais.

President, Professor Bocher (re-elected); Vice-Presidents, S. D. Warren, Jr., G. A. C. Bendelari; Secretary, G. R. R. Rivers; Treasurer, W. A. Wheeler.

Christian Brethren.

President, A. J. Hopkins; Secretary, W. D. Leland; Treasurer, H. B. Wenzell; Librarian, S. Leland.

T. X.

President, A. J. Hopkins; Vice-President, R. Montague; Recording Secretary, G. F. Young; Corresponding Secretary, R. Kidner; Treasurer, D. J. Richards.

Thayer Club.

President, J. S. Patton; Vice-President, F. J. Ham; Steward, J. W. Ware; Senior Director, H. W. Forster; Junior Director, J. C. Lane; Sophomore Director, T. L. Talbot. Freshmen not agreed on Director.

WE are authorized by the Dean to make the following correction in the Catalogue for 1873-74: on page 86, line 7, after "Modern Languages," insert "History."

A SYSTEMATIC Soph declared to his friends that he had fixed the date for his three annual bats. The next night a friend saw him describing a cycloid with the central point of the brick in his hat, and said: "Why, Smith, I thought your first date was three weeks later?" "Er - hic ! - feller mush get into training, yer know!"

Two new "shingles" have appeared of late on University, - that of the C. T. Co., challenging every one's attention with its representation of their implement of torture; and also that of the French Club, which has taken the symbol of eternity for its crest; so we suppose it is superfluous to wish it a long and successful career.

THE Sophomore Class Supper has been deferred to Friday, March 13.

THIRTY Sophomores have anticipated Political Economy, and the same number History.

THE Harvard Index has appeared this week, containing a list of the members and officers of the societies of the College and other departments of the University, with other matter of interest to students.

The plan of the book is new, and its style very neat. The gentlemen who have given their time and trouble to its preparation deserve our gratitude. The Index can be found at Richardson's.

RELIGIOUS DISCUSSION. - Calvinistic Old Lady. Do you consider yourself in the number of the elect?

Student (abstractedly). Ah - er - first man in the third ten.

Waggish Critic. I like Nilsson better in "Lucia" than in "Otello."

Lover of Rossini (with surprise). Indeed. Why?

W. C. Because I had rather see her Lammermoor than see the Moor lam her.

WE take pleasure in recording the generosity of a public-spirited Junior, who has offered to pay one tenth of the debt on the Reading-Room, if nine other men can be found to subscribe equal amounts.

MR. DEMING, '71, has been appointed Proctor in place of Mr. Joseph B. Warner, who has resigned.

MR. A. L. LINCOLN, Proctor, has taken the last three Latin divisions of the Freshman Class, to assist Professor Everett.

IT seems probable that '77, as well as '76, will be represented in the University crew in their Freshman year. With such material as the Freshman Class has, it is in their Power to do wonders at the regatta; but their enthusiasm is not as yet a prominent feature.

BY a recent regulation of the Faculty, a Johnson's Fire-Extinguisher has been placed in the Proctor's room in every entry.

THE next sermon in the Sunday evening course at the College Chapel will be delivered on February 22, by the Rev. N. G. Clark, Secretary of A. B. C. F. M.
