A FEW photographs of the Harvard-McGill football match are to be had at Williams and Everett's in Boston; as the number is limited, those desirous of obtaining any would do well to do so as soon as possible.
THE Index, with many improvements, will be out after the Christmas recess.
PROFESSOR BOCHER'S lectures on Moliere will be resumed on Saturday the 5th, at the usual time.
A SHOOTING-CLUB has been formed by graduates, and we learn that good shots who are members of the University will have a chance to join.
AMONG the recent additions to the Library have been several unique and valuable classics, the gift of Mr. J. A. Stevens of New York, class of '46.
A NEW musical society, the Mixolydian Quintette Club, has been organized for the purpose of playing sacred music. The repertoire of the society consists already of Mendelssohn's 42d Psalm, Farmer's Mass, Haydn's III., VII., and IX. Masses, and other standard works.
Flushed with satiety,
What is there left for me
In earth beside,
As I float dreamily
Over the vapory sea,
Rocked by its tide?
Lingering, now hastening by,
Through the warm summer sky,
Bidding me taste and die
Of thy sweet breath,
Art thou Astarte's sigh,
Or a soft lullaby
Charming to death?
THE match-game of football between the Juniors and Sophomores, which took place the other morning, was won by the Sophomores. Though a high wind prevailed at the time, the victory or the Sophomores was not entirely owing to this, as the first game won was played against the wind. The Junior Eleven was quite strong, and '77 deserves much praise for keeping up its high reputation so well when brought before such adversaries.
DURING the last month there has been collected for the H. U. B. C. $284.28. Of this, $226.50 is from the Subscription List of $1,572.50, which during October was reduced to $1,358.50, and $7.78 from the Treasurer of the '76 B. B. C. towards the debt of $282 against that class. There still remains to be collected $2,993.22.
From Subscription List of $1,572.50 - $440.50 = $1,132.30 to be col.
From Class of '76, 232.00 - 7.78 = 224.22 to be col.
From Rent of boats and ad-
mission fees, 400.00 - 63.00 = 337.00 to be col.
----------- ------------- ------------
$2,204.50 $511.28 = $1,693.22 to be col.
To be raised by subscription from the classes, 1,300.00
Making a total of $2,993.22
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