A PAIR of kid mittens have been found, and are at H. 15.
THE Library will close at two o'clock during the Christmas recess.
THE south entry of Hollis, it is said, does not contain a single smoker.
REV. PHILLIPS BROOKS is expected to preach at St. John's Memorial Chapel next Sunday evening.
THE letter-carrier for the College brings, on the average, eight hundred letters a day, and should be remembered.
BY a late vote of the Commons Directors, ladies visiting the Dining-Hall at meal-time must be accompanied by escorts.
A MEMBER of the Glee Club thinks the assertion to the Junior Class, Thursday, that "all musical swells are beats," is rather too sweeping.
THE Boating Convention of American Colleges, which was to have been held on 16th of this month, has been postponed indefinitely.
THE Boston Advertiser has taken to copying poetry from the Yale papers. O tempora, O mores. If all the poetry is as good as that copied we can bear it.
A SLIGHT change has been made in the disposition of pamphlets in the Library. Some are now laid on top of the cases in which the drawers of cards are kept.
THE Memorial Dining-Hall is to be open for students during the Holidays. The price of board will be six dollars per week, and its quality raised accordingly.
IT is said that the Memorial Serenaders made some money out of their concert on Wednesday evening. Ah, you rascals, just wait till our "Faculty" find that out!
THE question of late dinners is soon to come before the Commons, not as a permanent arrangement, but on trial for the month of January. It is thought there can be no reasonable objections to the mere trial of such a scheme, and on its results can be based an intelligent vote as to future meal-hours.
THE kind consideration of a complaint we made not long ago gives us some hope that we shall not be disregarded in asking once more for a light at the entrance of Weld.
THE opening meeting of the Art Club was held on Tuesday evening. The officers elected are, - President, A. Belmont, Jr.; Secretary, F. T. Brown; Treasurer, J. F. Slade.
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