FIRST and foremost, a word to some half-dozen Exchanges in the West, who have just received our first issue of the year, and think to fill up their attenuated sheets by an attack on the style of matter in ours. Did it never occur to these children of the prairies that we do not depend absolutely on our exchange-list for support? Let them accept with thankfulness the food furnished them, remembering that even muscular literature is better than that of the whining stamp.
THE Amherst class races resulted in favor of the Juniors; time, 18 m. 6s. The Student thinks that out of the twenty-four men who took part in these races, a good crew can be picked for the next year's regatta. In some athletic sports the record was as follows: 100-yard dash, 10 s. Best baseball throw, 326 ft. 9 in. Three-mile walking-race, 26 m. 50 s.; last half-mile in 3 m. 20 s. Best high jump, 4 ft. 6 in. 100-yard three-legged race, 12 s. Two-mile running-race, 11 m. 51 s. Half-mile running-race, 2 m. 18 s. Look out for Amherst!
THE Cornell Era thinks that "a student both demeans himself and disgraces the University when he resorts to the tricks commonly used by political sharpers for procuring votes, when he stands on street corners and harangues a crowd of loafers in regard to the claims of rival candidates, or when he goes about challenging every one he meets to bet with him on the results of the election." What! really! Does n't Cornell recognize its future statesman? The country's cry for gentleman politicians is being answered.
THE December number of the Old and New is educational in its leaders, and contains a College Directory of some eighty columns, which gives the names of the men and their departments on the different College Faculties throughout the country, together with the number of students, and the date of foundation of the different institutions. It is valuable as a reference to all interested in education. We think we recognize Harvard characteristics in the sensible remarks on the considerations which commonly influence a college corporation in the selection of its professors and instructors.
WE will exchange with the Reporter.
FIAT LUX. Let the Alfred Student come, and we will reciprocate. We have with some scruples accepted its article on "Faith." Hope it is n't one of thirty-nine. Hold! When we wrote the above we had not noticed the report of the nefarious orgies of the "Alle-On-Alfire-nean Association," in whose diabolical proceedings an "Orophilian," an "Alleghanian," and an "Alfriedian" took part. Nevertheless we will exchange.
AFTER a tirade against materialism, the College Olio is guilty of the following epitaph:-
"It was cough
That carried her off,
And a coffin
They carried her off in."
It is fair to suppose that something is the matter with its mind.
SPEAKING of cows, the Berkeleyan has the latest: Professor in Zoology. "You have probably noticed a cow leisurely chewing, chewing, with his eyes half shut, and - " Young Lady Students. "He-he-he." Harvard appreciates the sentiments of good-will and esteem expressed by this representative of her young sister of the Occident. As long as education points out his best interests to enlightened man, so long will the bond which unites California to Massachusetts remain unbroken.
A COUNTRY editor wrote the following verses after having seen his adored one with a rose on her forehead:-
Above her nose there is a rose:
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