

No Headline

WE should be very glad, at the end of this month and a half of the trial of voluntary recitations, to lay before our readers some report relative to the success or failure of the plan. This, unfortunately, is impossible, as several of the instructors have not yet returned their lists of absences. We have been allowed a cursory examination of the books, however, and so few are the marks on many of the pages that we can with safety congratulate the Senior Class on the way they have started under the new system; there is no cause for discouragement, or reason to believe the rumors that are spread abroad that the present system is to be given up at Christmas or next term. Indeed, these latter statements have been declared false by the highest authority. In what we have said, however, we refer to the class, not to individuals. Some men have absented themselves almost entirely, and have received warning of the danger of seeking this unreasonable liberty. Nor can we regard this warning as unjust when we consider that all future classes may be influenced by the action of '75 this year.
