

A CLASS meeting of the Seniors will be held this evening in Boylston Hall at seven o'clock.

THE Directors of the Reading-Room wish us to inform the students that the custom of taking magazines and papers from the Reading-Room has become prevalent. It must be evident to all that unless the good sense of the undergraduates prevents this wholesale pillaging, some inconvenient measure must be resorted to.

THE Annual Catalogue of the Library is now ready.

A SEAL ring has been found, and may be recovered by the owner by applying at Hollis 15.

THERE will be a football match Saturday, between tens from the Junior and Sophomore classes.


THE Rev. Phillips Brooks will preach at the College Chapel next Sunday evening, November 22.

IN the football match last Saturday the Sophomores won four games out of the five that were played.

THE removal of the gas-light from the entrance to Weld is no improvement, and we hope it will be restored.

UN athee et un abbe tombaient dans un fosse. Quels provinces en Grece est-ce-qu'ils ressemblent?

La Thisalie et la Beotie.

MR. S. H. JECKO has been elected leader of the Pierian Sodality. Any one connected with the University desiring to join the Society can obtain full information concerning it from Mr. Jecko, who rooms at 2 Holyoke.

MORE than four hundred new German books have been received this week at the College Library, and so rapidly is the number of books there increasing that enough shelves to hold two thousand volumes are soon to be added.

ADELINA PATTI recently sang in the Huguenots, at the Grand Opera in Paris. Nearly eight thousand dollars were cleared, and we have particular reason to be thankful for the success, as the whole sum is to be devoted to the inhabitants of Alsace and Lorraine.
