

THE extra shelves in the gallery of the Library will accommodate 2,500 volumes.

NEXT week the University Nine begin their Gymnasium work for the winter - five hours' exercise each week.

FALL Meeting of the Athletic Association to-morrow on Jarvis Field.

SCENE, Sophomore Recitation-Room. - Prof. Is Mr. S - present?

Soph. (S - 's friend). He is at present reciting with the Freshmen, sir.


FOR the convenience of applicants for membership in the Dining Hall Association, a book has been opened for applications at the Auditor and Steward's office in Memorial Hall.

THE set of Turner's Liber Studiorum (sixty-eight plates) in the Gray Collection has been placed in the stand for engravings in Gore Hall, and there are also to be seen there eight pieces privately printed last year by Mr. Seymour-Haden, from plates found in Turner's house after his death.

A COURSE of University lectures is to be given this year by Professor Bocher, and it is probable that Mr. C. C. Perkins will also deliver a course. The lectures of Professor Bocher will be in French, and are to be on Moliere and French Comedy in the Seventeenth Century. They will begin at twelve o'clock, Saturday, November the fourteenth, at U. 16, and will be given at that place and time every week through the rest of the academic year. The fee for the course will be fifteen dollars, to be paid at the Steward's office.

THE S. Paul's Society have printed a list of Services till Easter. As the nature of these Services may not be generally understood, we are desired to say that a small number (about one fifth) of them fall on the same evening with business meetings; the rest of them are not intended to be exclusive, but are meant for all undergraduates who care to attend, on Monday evenings or any of the days set apart by the Episcopal Church, the Evening Service as appointed for that day. Cards giving a list of Services can be procured from' the Secretary, 41 Weld, or at the room of the Society, 17 Grays.

WE give the score of the game played between the Freshman and Sophomore Base-Ball Clubs on Jarvis Feld last Monday afternoon.


R. O. 1B.

Stackpole. . . . 1 3 0

Hastings. . . . 0 4 1

Thayer . . . . 0 2 0

Harding . . . . 1 2 1

Adams . . . . 1 1 0

Richards. . . . 1 2 1

Meinrath. . . . 0 3 0

O'Connor. . . . 0 2 1

Wetherbee . . . 0 2 0

--- --- --

4 21 4


R. O. 1B.

Leeds . . . . 4 1 3

Tower . . . . 4 1 1

Nash . . . . 1 2 2

Bird . . . . 0 5 0

Herrick . . . . 2 2 1

Latham . . . . 1 4 0

Sawyer . . . . 1 3 1

Thatcher. . . . 3 1 1

McDowell . . . 2 2 1

--- --- ---

18 21 10

Innings . . . . . . . 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th

Freshman. . . . . . . 0 3 0 0 0 0 1-4

Sophomore. . . . . . 3 3 4 1 4 0 3-18

THE following is a correct list of the Officers of the Freshman Class for the first half-year:-

President, J. A. Tufts; Vice-President, John Homans; Secretary, T. F. Stimpson.

Captain of Nine, E. R. Hastings; Secretary and Treasurer, J. B. Harding.

Captain of Crew, A. P. Loring; Secretary and Treasurer, A. M. Sherwood.

Captain of Eleven, S. Bullard.

THE following gentlemen from the Foot-Ball Club have gone to Montreal to kick the match game with the McGill Club: Captain, A. B. Ellis, '75, M. Prince, '75, H. J. Morse, '74, W. C. Sanger, '74, R. Gray, '75, F. S. Watson, '75, W. A. Whiting, '77, M. L. Cate, '77, J. A. Wetherbee, '78, G. P. Faucon, '75; Substitute, H. Williams, '75, Umpire, A. D. Iasigi, '78.

The games - one after the Harvard, the other according to the Rugby rules - will be played to-day and to-morrow.

WE give below the score of the match played between the University Base-Ball Nine and the Freshmen Nine on Jarvis Field, Thursday, October 15.


R. O. 1B.

Hooper . . . . 1 1 1

Latham . . . . 0 3 0

Thayer. . . . . 0 3 0

Tower. . . . . 0 3 0

Kent . . . . . 3 0 2

Thatcher. . . . 1 2 1

Tyng . . . . . 0 3 1

McDowell. . . . 0 3 0

Ernst. . . . . 0 2 0

--- --- ---

5 20 5


R. O. 1B.

Stackpole . . . 1 1 0

LeMoyne . . . 1 2 0

Harding . . . 0 3 0

[Gilly] . . . 0 3 0

Meinrath . . . 0 2 0

McKaye . . . 0 1 1

Wetherbee . . . 0 2 0

O'Connor . . . 0 2 0

Hastings . . . 0 2 0

--- --- ---

2 18 1

Innings . . . . . . . . 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th

Freshmen.......... 0 0 1 0 0 1-2

University.......... 0 2 0 1 1 1-5

Umpire, G. G. Gammans.

AT a meeting of the Captains of the Boat Clubs on Tuesday evening, it was decided that there should be six-oared, four-oared, double-scull, and single-scull races on the boat-house course to-morrow morning.

The crews of the six-oars are to be chosen by lot from the twenty-four men who compose the four club-six-oars.

Those of the four-oars are to be selected by the captains from the members of their own club, barring those who have pulled in the six-oars.

In the double-scull race, a member of one club may row with a member of another.

The first race is to be called at 10.30 precisely, and the others as soon after as possible.

Fifteen seconds allowance for shells over laps in each race. There will be two stake-boats to avoid the chance of fouls.

COXSWAINS may be selected by the captains irrespective of the clubs.

ENTRIES for the athletic contests to-morrow are as follows: 100-yard race, II; running high jump, 3; one-mile running-race, 6; running long jump, 3; hurdle race, 120 yards, over ten 3-feet 6-inch hurdles, 7; throwing a base ball, 8; two-mile running-race, 6; half-mile consolation race, 4; three-legged race, 7 pairs; three-mile walk, 5.

TWO new tables are to be added at Memorial Hall, where graduates or chance visitors can obtain meals. Fifty cents per meal will be the charge, which is not high, considering that the tables will rarely be filled, although nearly as expensive as the others.

TO-MORROW, at three o'clock, the new athletic contests take place on Jarvis Field. It is hoped that every one will make this first result of the new project as successful as possible by being present. The President of the Association has lately received a letter from Mr. Blaikie of '67, expressing much interest in the scheme of athletic contests and stating it as already certain that more prizes will be offered for such contests at the meeting of the Colleges next summer. Mr. Blaikie's belief in the use of such exercises is shown by the remark in his address to the undergraduates the other evening, that every man on the University Crew ought to enter the two-mile running-race. Mr. F. Merriam of '71 has offered a silver cup, to be contested for in a mile running-race at the spring meeting. The thanks of the Association are certainly due to this gentleman for his kind offer.

WE take pleasure in calling attention to the following attractive bill-of-fare of M. Belier, who is fully sustaining his reputation for a choice French cuisine, at his last year's address, No. 18 Hayward Place:-
