THE extra shelves in the gallery of the Library will accommodate 2,500 volumes.
NEXT week the University Nine begin their Gymnasium work for the winter - five hours' exercise each week.
FALL Meeting of the Athletic Association to-morrow on Jarvis Field.
SCENE, Sophomore Recitation-Room. - Prof. Is Mr. S - present?
Soph. (S - 's friend). He is at present reciting with the Freshmen, sir.
FOR the convenience of applicants for membership in the Dining Hall Association, a book has been opened for applications at the Auditor and Steward's office in Memorial Hall.
THE set of Turner's Liber Studiorum (sixty-eight plates) in the Gray Collection has been placed in the stand for engravings in Gore Hall, and there are also to be seen there eight pieces privately printed last year by Mr. Seymour-Haden, from plates found in Turner's house after his death.
A COURSE of University lectures is to be given this year by Professor Bocher, and it is probable that Mr. C. C. Perkins will also deliver a course. The lectures of Professor Bocher will be in French, and are to be on Moliere and French Comedy in the Seventeenth Century. They will begin at twelve o'clock, Saturday, November the fourteenth, at U. 16, and will be given at that place and time every week through the rest of the academic year. The fee for the course will be fifteen dollars, to be paid at the Steward's office.
THE S. Paul's Society have printed a list of Services till Easter. As the nature of these Services may not be generally understood, we are desired to say that a small number (about one fifth) of them fall on the same evening with business meetings; the rest of them are not intended to be exclusive, but are meant for all undergraduates who care to attend, on Monday evenings or any of the days set apart by the Episcopal Church, the Evening Service as appointed for that day. Cards giving a list of Services can be procured from' the Secretary, 41 Weld, or at the room of the Society, 17 Grays.
WE give the score of the game played between the Freshman and Sophomore Base-Ball Clubs on Jarvis Feld last Monday afternoon.
R. O. 1B.
Stackpole. . . . 1 3 0
Hastings. . . . 0 4 1
Thayer . . . . 0 2 0
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