AMONG the recent events of public interest which the Magenta is called to notice, is the death of the HON BENJAMIN R. CURTIS. Few of her sons have done more to reflect honor upon our Alma Mater than this eminent and distinguished jurist. His fame was national. The early promise he gave of great power and success in the profession he had chosen was more than fulfilled by what he achieved. The characteristics of his mind were clearness of apprehension, power of analysis, and breadth of comprehension, by which he mastered every subject submitted for his examination in all its parts and relations, and was able to reach conclusions with almost unerring judgment. He had eminently legal and judicial qualities of mind which placed him in the first rank at the bar, as well as upon the bench. To these qualities he added the graces and amenities of a gentleman, which attached to him a wide circle of personal friends. He died at the age of sixty-five, in the midst of professional success, and in the full enjoyment of the confidence and respect of all who knew him.
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