BELOW we print a list of Freshmen and their rooms, revised up to Friday morning. We are not allowed to print the names of the applicants at the Fall Examination.
Adams, C. T., G. 39. Frank, H.
Albert, R. S. Gay, F. L. Mrs. Gardner's.
Allen, A. H., G. 48. Gleason, Z. A., Newton.
Allen, W. B., T. 50. Goldmark, H., T. 20.
Allen, W. E. Guptill, A. B., C. 69.
Apthorp, H. O., 17 Put. Av. Gurnee, A. C., Little's Bl. 22.
Attwood, F. G., 21 Little's. Hamilton, C. A., S. 13.
Austin, H. W., M. 51. Harding, J. B., H. 22.
Bacon, E. R., S. 19. Hay, H. C., S. 19.
Bancroft, W. A., Brewer's. Hewins, P. W., 345 Harvard.
Batchelder, C. F., 7 Kirkl'd. Homans, J.
Bennett, W. Z., C. 66. Homer, T. J.
Binney, C. C, C. 46. Houton, F. A.
Blaine, E., M. 18. Hubbard, C. W., H'ke 25.
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